Breakfast - nutritious noodles (Original)

in #food8 years ago

You should eat a hearty breakfast, eat just enough for lunch, and eat less for supper,Many cities in China is very attention to breakfast nutrition, in Yunnan, Guizhou and other places very popular breakfast rice noodles,Today my breakfast is a rice noodle, Need to use the ingredients:
Rice, cabbage, eggs, shrimp, soy sauce, salt, quail eggs, beef balls

the rice with boiling water soup cooked, 3-5 minutes

the eggs, shrimp quail eggs, beef balls cooked together, add to the rice bowl

the boiled egg soup to add seasoning, like spicy food can add some chili sauce, cooked soup into the rice noodles

A bowl of nutrition rice noodles you can eat :)

Hope you like!

中国有句古话叫早饭要吃好,午饭要吃饱,晚饭要吃少,在中国许多的城市很注意早餐的营养,在云南,贵州等地早餐很流行米粉、面条, 你可以简单的一碗米线,也可以丰富的早餐,今天我做早餐是一碗米线
1、 将米粉用开水汤熟, 3-5分钟即可,捞出
2、 将鸡蛋、虾鹌鹑蛋、牛肉丸一起煮熟,添加到米粉碗里
3、 将煮蛋的汤加入调料,喜欢吃辣可以加些辣酱,煮好的汤倒入米粉,拌匀

Thank you

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