PLEASE, Please please - Do it for the Chickens!

in #food7 years ago


Whenever I visit the eggs section in the supermarket there is always a lot of choice! It can be hard to choose from so many options, and so most of us choose the same brand each time without giving it too much thought. Personally, I always choose the eggs that are obtained with the least suffering to the Chickens and Certified Organic.. Its not only better for the chickens but also for the eggs and for you!

So you see, I totally understand that many people really can't afford to buy organic produce, meat and things labelled organic as they usually cost a lot more. The thing is that eggs are really one of the cheapest things we buy off the shelf, and are still really pretty cheap, even for the best free range organic ones. The difference in price is only a few dollars. So I would like to urge all of you, the next time you are faced with the choice of choosing your eggs off the shelf, PLEASE remember this post and consider the great suffering of chickens that are given absolutely zero respect. If you ever saw it first hand, I can guarantee you would never choose the cheap box again! Not only that but they are so much better for you to eat!

Health Benefits of Free Range Eggs

A comparison of nutritional data for caged versus free range eggs found, on average:!


Let's be honest, even most of us who are on a tight budget can afford an extra few dollars. Think of all the suffering you will prevent by choosing ethically sourced eggs and i promise you will feel much better than having an extra dollar or two!!

If you would like to know more detail here is a good article

It can be confusing to really know what all the labels mean! For example free range does not always mean chickens have been outdoors! So to keep it simple for you, just look for Eggs carrying the USDA Organic seal. They come from free-range hens with access to the outdoors and sunlight.

Read More:

Please Re-Steem this! Every single person who changes their habits will save 100's of chickens from their peril every year!
Remember our choices define the market . Each time we buy something, we are upvoting it and giving it our consent. We can make a huge difference by just making a different choice. It sounds obvious, but when more people choose to buy the Organic Free Range eggs Vs Battery Factory Chickens, they will make more Organic Free Range eggs and less Factory Farmed eggs.


Hi, best friend. you forgot me. I give flag you a present for in the life.
Luck bad for your whole life. You crazy dog the whole life.
Bad Dream every night.

Your pictures copyright. Video and pictures copyright. Don't voting for @eco-alex dog.

Hi, best friend. you forgot me. I give flag you a present for in the life.
Luck bad for your whole life. You crazy dog the whole life.
Bad Dream every night.

Your pictures copyright. Video and pictures copyright. Don't voting for @eco-alex dog.

I genuinely am unsure of if this is meant to be ironic or not.
You don't seriously believe free-range means anything, do you?
It doesn't mean they go in a field mate, this is what it means.

They still get murdered, they still kill all the male chicks, they still kick the chickens, they still beat them, they still are crammed and cannot move and are in their own feces, they still get their beaks chopped off.

YES! QUite right I know! i have written this in my post.. maybe you missed that paragraph.. Ill copy it here .. Its a complex topic so i tried to keep it simple!

"It can be confusing to really know what all the labels mean! For example free range does not always mean chickens have been outdoors! So to keep it simple for you, just look for Eggs carrying the USDA Organic seal. They come from free-range hens with access to the outdoors and sunlight."

you flag me. your video all copyright. your photos all copyright. don't flag go on. note. you crazy dog.

Obviously the best option is to not eat eggs if we want no harm to Chickens.. SO i try to at least help people choose a better option and at least bring some more awareness to this subject!

I'd say while health-wise it's still not so great compared to just eating more plants, instead you should try to get them from a local farmer if any...or have your own. As long as they're fed good quality food (nutritionally complete) and not every single egg is taken (chickens eat their own eggs if they do not hatch) then there's nothing really bad going on, unless/till the chicken is killed when it gets old.

Honestly though anything from the store that comes from an animal is not sourced good, and many other things too. It's simply too expensive and hard to manage when you do the super-large quantities they do.

quite right!

The ideal is home farmed chicken if you eat eggs.. but im trying to offer people a simple change and quick and easy way to at least improve the situation.

thanks for the smart response!

Oh I missed that one last sentence.
While that's true though they still don't have true outdoor experience. The ones you'd buy at the store typically simply have a cut-out in the side with a small couple foot wire cage, as legally that's all that's required.

I mean, at least they get fresh air that way, a little, but it's not what you probably think it is.

My understanding is that when they have the USDA Organic seal seal of approval it DOES indeed mean that the chickens have been outside at least some of the time!

heres a good page with the labels explained

its awful what happens to chickens, we can try and control it, but the demand is much stronger, so there will be a supply!

yup! will be many years before we figure this conundrum out.. but im happy to try to improve things even if we cant solve it.

Where i live right now (in India) its really hard to watch. I used to get it for my Dog (no longer allowed chicken thank god) and they butcher them all in front of 100's of chickens that all are piled up in the back.. Same with the cows which is EVEN worse to see.. One poor cow standing there tied up right in front of about 20 hanging carcuses and butchers hacking it all up..

Anyways, you're one of the first people to comment with some Chicken Support / Compassion, so high five!

you flag me. your video all copyright. your photos all copyright. don't flag go on. note. you crazy dog.

Great post :) I just wrote about this very thing...small choices can make big impacts when it comes to things like this. Our $$$ supports certain farming practices, which kinds do we want to support. Thanks for posting!
(** here's my story on the humble egg:

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