For breakfast, I got a big fat goose egg!

in #food5 months ago

It came from a local farmer who raises free range geese! Check out these photos.


Six ounces, which is about three times the weight of a large chicken egg. More than enough for my entire breakfast! Along with a piece of toast, of course.


I picked up 2 eggs at the local farmers market on Saturday. They came from a happy goose that lives like a pet. I mention that because some of my readers may remember that I identify as vegan (from an ethical standpoint rather than environmental or health). Most strict dietary vegans don't include any eggs, but my wife and I do, so long as the eggs are from free range birds (living a normal lifestyle free from suffering). When I spoke to the farmer about these 2 eggs, I was immediately interested. They cost 4 CAD (3 USD) each.

I have in the past been quite negative toward other people who eat bird eggs. I kind of regret that now. I'm still against factory farming birds or mammals, for their bodies or anything they produce. I'll always speak out against animal cruelty, and that includes the cruelty toward animals we consider food. But I regret taking such a hardline stance against eggs, because I now consider them fair game, so long as there was no suffering caused in their creation. Dairy? Hell no. Eating birds or mammals? Nope. But free range eggs are on my menu.

Anyway, we can put that aside. I wanted to mention it, but it's not what the post is about! : )


Lovely! What a huge yolk, it must have been 2/3 of the total volume. Nice colour! And the egg white is totally clear, not off-white like in a chicken egg.

Also, very small (almost invisible) chalaza. That's the clumpy white structure in eggs which helps stabilize the yolk within the shell. I generally remove them, but with the goose eggs the chalaza were tiny and almost clear. That's an upside in my books!


The shells are thick and strong. You could clean them out and use them for something. I bet you could grow a plant in one of these.

I smashed them up and put them in my compost.


I cracked in a large chicken egg to show the difference in size. Wow! And notice the yellowish colour to the chicken egg "white".

The scrambling experience was more-or-less as expected, so I'll skip to the finished product.


How did they taste?

Really good. Not very much different from any other bird egg I've had. Maybe a little bit more flavourful and rich. A satisfying proteiny breakfast that kept me going all morning.

This post isn't about telling anyone what to eat, or not eat. I just wanted to share my experience with something new. Hopefully someone will find it useful or interesting. I enjoyed cooking and eating a big fat goose egg! Have a great day.



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