Made a late night snack and thought i should share.

in #food7 years ago

So made a little snack that only took like 20 minutes to make, if that, i love to cook so i thought I'd share my recipe with you.
Any way i pretty much made a rice bowl with some toppings. If you wanna make it just like mine, you will need:

1 cup of jasmine rice
1 1/2 cups of water
Dash of salt
1 egg
1 hotdog
1/2 Vidalia onion
2 cloves of garlic
Little bit of olive oil for frying
(P.S. sorry to everyone else in the world but i am American and these were the measurements i was brought up with Dx)
First you need to get your rice going..
So im gonna tell you a super easy way to make any rice even if you really suck at cooking rice without a rice cooker.
(This is the rice i used) (p.s. i <3 Aldi)
So measure your rice and throw it in a small pot, cover it with the water, and turn the heat up baby !!! Get that stuff boiling !
Once it hits a boil you need to cover it and turn your heat down to almost a simmer, then set your timer for 18 minutes.
Once you have that done you need to get everything else finished while that rice is cooking away (:

So, now, you've gotta fry an egg, basically with the toppings you can add anything you want doesnt have to be what i put but if you want it like mine im just telling you how i did it. Any wayyyysss....
BOOM! Delicious fried egg set aside on a plate (: whenever i finished a part i just covered it and put the plate in my nuclear oven just to keep it out of the way and warm.
Next you wanna cut up your hotdog, like i said this recipe is not set in stone by any means, add as much or as little as you want ! I only had one hotdog left and i needed to cook it so thats what i did.
Chop it up something like this:
Then just stick it in the same pan you fried the egg in to save dishes and olive oil cause that stuff is expensive !!!
While the hotdog does its thing on about medium lowish heat, you gotta get those aromatics ready, so cut an onion in half-sies, and beat the hell outta the garlic to get those 2 cloves we talked about.
Youre gonna chop 'em up to look like this:
Now, by the time you've finished that the hotdogs should definitely be ready or they finished before you were done and you moved 'em to the plate with the egg, so its the onions turn to get all hot and bothered !
Just toss those babies in and get a good sweat out of em, maybe just get 'em a little caramelized.
Once they look a bit like this:
Throw the garlic into the party (:
Now you're just gonna get that garlic a little brown and get those aromas coming out of it.
Now once it looks like that up there, your rice should be just about done if you need to take a small peek to make sure it aint burning but to make good rice you cant mess with it, mess wit it as little as possible, okay?
Once your rice is ready whether when the timer goes off or its nice and tender, you can take it out and dump some in a bowl.
Now you will probably have some rice leftover i made enough for two so i could have some rice for breakfast, also you may noticed some rice stuck and you have crispy peices all on the bottom , you could pour in some milk or coconut milk in the can with a bit of water to make kindof a rice porridge type thing but i didnt feel like it and thats a whole other recipe so if you just pour some soap and hot water in your pan immediately, it should come right off. Honestly you could even just scrape the crispies and eat them as is, they are delicious unless you went and burnt it..
Anyway all thats left is to put it all together, so here is a montage of me plating the bowl for your eyeballs to enjoy!
Now you can put it together anyway you'd like i just wanted to give your eye balls something nice to look at. After all that work there is nothing left to do but enjoy !! Well i hope y'all try out this recipe or enjoyed what i posted, any feedback is welcomed lemme know if you liked this and i will do more of these in the future maybe not always recipes , maybe just posting up some of the dinners and stuff i actually spend time cooking. @sinned says he loves my cooking so i figured id exploit my talent a bit for steem. Anywho y'all have a great day, and i hope you enjoy my recipe!

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