Food lab # 1 Saliva Chicken aka Mouth-Watering Chicken (口水雞)

in #food6 years ago (edited)



2 deboned chicken thighs2 tbsp of soy sauce
1 cup of canola oil2 tbsp of black vinegar
2 knobs of ginger1 tbsp of sugar
1 red onion1 tbsp of sesame oil
2 green onions1 tbsp of oyster sauce
30 dried red chilies1 tsp of chicken powder
3 tbsp of Szechuan peppercorns1 tsp of salt
2 star anises
2 cinnamon sticks
6 cloves
2 bay leaves
4 tbsp of grounded peanuts
2 tbsp of white sesame seeds
Some cilantro leaves


  1. Canola oil in, first deep fry the ginger, green onion, and red onion. Then deep fry the star anise, cinnaomon sticks, bay leaves, cloves and the Szechuan peppercorn (to release its numbing property)
  2. Filter those ingredients from the oil, keep the oil for later use.
  3. Saute the dried red chilies to vapourize its water within. Then blend them into chili flakes.
  4. Pour the piping hot oil from step 2 into the blended chili flakes.
  5. Stir them, make sure the chili flakes mix with the hot oil thoroughly.
  6. Add sugar and salt into the oil.
  7. Set aside.
  8. Simmer the chicken thighs in water, with several slices of ginger and a green onion.
  9. Once the water is boiled, continue to cook for 15 minutes, then turn off the stove, wait 15 minutes then take out the chicken thighs and transfer them into ice water.
  10. Filter the chili flakes from the red chili oil.
  11. Add soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, black vinegar, chicken powder into the red chili oil.
  12. Saute the peanut then crush them.
  13. Saute the white sesame seeds as well.
  14. Take the chicken thighs out of the ice water.
  15. Slice the chicken thighs and place them on a plate.
  16. Drizzle the red spicy chili oil all over the sliced chicken thighs.
  17. Sprinkle some white sesame oil seeds and crushed peanuts on the dish.
  18. Put some chopped green onion and cilantro as garnishs.
  19. Bon appetit !!!


菜籽油1杯生抽 2湯匙
去骨雞腿肉2隻黑醋 2湯匙
薑2塊麻油 1湯匙
紅蔥頭1大顆蠔油 1 湯匙
青蔥2 根白糖 1湯匙
乾辣椒30條鹽 1茶匙
四川花椒3湯匙雞粉 1 茶匙
花生 1把
白芝麻 2 湯匙
香菜 少許


  1. 先用小火將花椒煸香五分鐘,然後倒入菜籽油,開中火繼續爆香花椒。
  2. 油熱後,倒入薑片,紅蔥頭,青蔥,八角,肉桂,月桂葉,丁香一起爆香。
  3. 五分鐘後,把以上所有東西濾出,熄火,把油倒出備用。
  4. 把乾辣椒煸乾,然後打碎變辣椒粉。
  5. 將熱油分三次倒入辣椒粉,達到一香二紅三辣的效果。
  6. 加鹽和糖,紅油留著備用。
  7. 冷水中加入雞腿,薑片,和青蔥。
  8. 開大火,水沸後,轉中火煮15分鐘,之後再關火悶15分鐘。
  9. 把雞腿放入冰水備用。
  10. 將醬油、黑醋、麻油、蠔油、雞粉加入紅油,攪拌均勻。
  11. 將花生煸香,然後壓碎。
  12. 將白芝麻煸香。
  13. 將雞腿從冰水取出,切塊。
  14. 將辣椒紅油淋上雞塊,上面撒上幾湯匙的花生碎、白芝麻、一點蔥花、香菜。
  15. 上菜羅。

這口水雞,又香又辣又麻,雖然說是好吃,但始終沒到過四川,也不知道正宗的口水雞到底是什麼味道。 各位鄉親父老、叔伯兄弟,你們印像中的口水雞食譜和做法又是怎樣的呢?



亂亂煮的,感覺還是煮不出那個精髓 XD

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wow 🍴that🥢 looks fantastic😊

Thanks, the preparation to cook this cuisine is time-consuming though, anyway it is worth it ^^




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