GuoQiao rice noodle

in #food8 years ago

  过桥米线是云南滇南地区特有的小吃,属滇菜系, 起源于蒙自地区。过桥米线汤是用大骨、老母鸡、云南宣威火腿经长时间熬煮而成的, 汤料覆盖有一层滚油。吃一口独具风味,唇齿留香。 据说,清朝时,妻子给埋头苦读的秀才丈夫送米线时,需经过一座桥,妻子为避免其丈夫食用时过凉,就将汤内倒入热油以保温,其丈夫使用时汤面仍然很热,后人为纪念这位贤惠的妻子将其称为“过桥米线”。 米线含有丰富的碳水化合物、维生素、矿物质及酵素等,具有熟透迅速、均匀,耐煮不烂,爽口滑嫩,煮后汤水不浊,易于消化的特点,特别适合火锅和休闲快餐食用。过桥米线已被列入非物质文化遗产。 GuoQiao rice noodle is a kind of unique snack in south district of Yunnan Province. It belongs to the Genus of Yunnan cuisine and originates from Mengzi area. The soup is boiled out for a long time with major hones of pigs, old hen meat and Yunnan Xuanwei ham and is covered with a layer of hot oil. Eating a bite, you’ll feel its special flavor. The flavor will left in your mouth and on your lips for a long time It is said that, a wife needed to bring food to her husband,a Xiu cai who had already passed the imperial examination at the county level in the Qing dynasty. Every time the wife brought rice noodles to her husband, she needed to pass through a bridge. In order to keep the rice noodles not too cold, the wife put hot oil into the soup. So her husband could eat warm rice noodles. In order to memorialize this virtuous wife the descendants call this kind of rice noodle “GuoQiao rice noodle” .  There is abundant carbohydrate, vitamine, mineral substance and ferment etc. In rice noodles. Rice noodles are easy to cook, have resistance to boil and are tender and refreshing. The soup is clear and highly digestible. Rice noodles are very suitable for hotpot and fast-casual meal. GuoQiao rice noodle has already been included in the intangible cultural heritage.      


Very delicious

Yes it is very delicious


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