Food and Nutrition Awareness | Healing Inflammation through Foods is Easy

in #food6 years ago (edited)

Inflammation is the protection mechanism of the body. The immune system recognizes damaged cells, stimulants and pathogens and starts the treatment process.

When certain harmful or irritating substances affect a part of our body, there are biological reactions that try to eliminate it. The signs and symptoms of inflammation can be uncomfortable, but it shows that the body works hard to repair itself.

For example, this can be beneficial when your knee is touched and the fabric needs care and protection. However, sometimes the inflammation may last longer than necessary, causing more damage than benefits.


The symptoms of inflammation depend on the acute or chronic reaction.

The effect of acute inflammation can be summarized with the acronym PRISH. They understand:

• Pain: Inflamed areas can be very painful, especially during and after contact. Substances that encourage nerve endings are released, making the area more sensitive.

• Redness: This is due to the ducts in the area are filled with more blood than usual.

• Immobility: Inflammatory areas may lose their function.

• Swelling: This is caused by effusion.

• Heat: More blood circulation in the affected area makes it feel warmer.

These five symbols of severe inflammation apply only to skin inflammation. If inflammation happens deep in the body, as in internal organs, only some signs may be seeming.

For example, some intestines have not sensory nerve endings nearby, so there will be no pain, as in some types of respiratory inflammation.

Symptoms of chronic inflammation are presented in different ways. These can include:


• Oral ulcers

• Chest pain

• Stomach pain

• Fever

• Rash

• Joint pain

Foods as Anti-Inflammation

One of the most powerful tools for eliminating inflammation is not pharmacies but grocery stores. Dr. Frank Hu, Professor of Nutrition and Epidemiology at the Nutrition Department of the Harvard School of Public Health, said: "Many investigational studies have revealed that food ingredients can have anti-inflammatory properties." the right food and reduce your risk. Always choose the wrong one, and can accelerate the progression of the inflammatory disease.

Anti-Inflammatory Foods Can Transform Your Health

Inflammation as a physical function is not necessarily a bad thing. When the body is injured or falls ill, the lymphatic system (immune) begins to act, and the immune system's blood cells are forced into the area of interest by increasing blood flow.

With increasing attention to the area, swelling, redness, fever, pain, or discomfort may also occur. You may have seen this immune reaction in action because when extra blood was flowing, cuts or scrapes around the wound became hot and fluffy. In a healthy body, inflammation is a normal and effective response that promotes healing.

Foods that Inflame

Try to avoid or limit these foods as much as possible:

• Purified carbohydrates like white bread

• Fries and other fried products

• Soda and other sugary drinks

• Red meats (hamburgers, steaks) and processed meats (hot dogs, sausages)

• Margarine, shortening, and lard

Foods that fight against inflammation

Include plenty of these anti-inflammatory foods in your diet:

Add a lot of these anti-inflammatory foods to your diet:

• Tomato

• Olive oil

• Green leafy vegetables such as spinach

• Nuts such as almonds and walnuts

• Fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines

• Fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and oranges



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Thats great information.Even nutritionist cant explain these,i can see you have done lots of research,have a great day.

Interesting article. I recently had blood tests done and was told my Ferritin levels were high which could indicate internal inflammation. I shall ensure that I take more of the inflammation fighting foods in my diet in future.

@cryptokaze May I ask.Are you a doctor or nutritionist?The reason for my question is that this is a well detailed post on what inflammation is and how it happens.Its effects as well as mentioning food to eat and avoid as regards inflammation. You really taught me that inflammation is a process by which the body mechanism is going through a healing process where there is injury or wound.I really learned a lot especially with the food one should avoid and the ones to eat in case of inflammation.Well researched post.I just upvoted this post. Thumbs up.

I am a food technologist with lots of knowledge on foods.

Great to know that @cryptokraze

On knowing this about you i had to read again. I'd better listen to an expert than a quack.

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Yea Yeah! I am glad i read all through.Op you have done a good job.Thanks for the exposition,am enlightened.
I will like to know if this above mentioned meals are responsible for heartburns and other common cardio Vascular attacks.

Thank you for information

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