Biohack: Add Raw Spirulina Crunchies to Your Fitness Shake

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Biohack: Ingredients to Add to Fitness Shake

Raw Spirulina Crunchies

These amazing little green crunchies are scientifically known as Spirulina, Arthrospira platensis. These are 100% non-GMO, free of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers and are a great addition to most fitness smoothies (I personally recommend adding to chocolate based types).

History of the Ingredient

Spirulina is a food source from North America and was used by the Aztecs and many other ancient Native American tribes of that time. The Aztecs called it "Tecuitlatl" (Tek-Que-Lee-Ot-Tu) and was harvested most commonly known from Lake Texcoco, Mexico. However, historically this ingredient was never used as a food source at all! Our poor ancient friends didn't know the magical super-food they had in front of them.

That's right! It wasn't until the 1960-70s after a series of study's on Spirulina was done and proved it a super-food. Then, after it's super-food status was confirmed by the International Association of Applied Microbiology, it was put into mass production.

List of Benefits: The Super-Food!

1. Most Nutrient Dense Food on Earth

  • Packed with Protein: net protein utilization rate of between 50-61%
  • Vitamin B1: energy, eye health, brain function and improved nerve functioning
  • Iron: Most absorbable and easy on your digestive tract

Also includes per Wiki: "Contains vitamins B-1(thiamine), B-2 (riboflavin), B-3(nicotinamide), B-6 (pyridoxine), B-9 (folic acid), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin E. It is also a source of potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium and zinc. Spirulina contains many pigments which may be beneficial and bioavailable”

2. Heightened Endurance

I personally take 5 Spirulina in it's pill form in the morning and 5 before I work out in the afternoon. Once I started doing this regularly I immediately noticed an improved level of endurance at the gym.

Spirulina is proven to:

  • Increase your body's overall endurance. Source
  • Decrease Muscle Damage Source

3. Allergy Relief

Research and studies have shown Spirulina a connection between consuming the ingredient and allergy relief. Source

4. Blood Sugar Balance

Some studies have proven Spirulina to be as effective as diabetes medicine for some patients (if you follow me, you will know that I believe no one person is effected by any supplement or ingredient the same, so take that with a grain of salt). Source

5. Detoxes Heavy Metals (Especially Arsenic)

Due to it being extremely high in Chlorophyll, which is proven to remove toxins from the blood in addition to boosting the immune system. One study has shown that consuming 500 mg per day would reduce most patients arsenic levels by more than half! Source

6. Antioxidant/Anti-Inflammatory

Spirulina has a powerful antioxident named phycocyanin and is a super potent anti-inflammatory. This case study demonstrates the connection this ingredient has to anti-inflamattory responses to your body. Source

If you do are looking to buy this drug from Amazon or any other site online you'll see most marketing labels for Spirulina stating they'll "improve cell walls" which is important in protecting our cells from damage.

7. Other Noted Benefits:

  • Eliminates Candida
  • Improves Chances Against HIV/AIDS
  • Helps to Prevent Cancer
  • Lowers your Blood Pressure
  • Decreases your Chances of a Stroke
  • High Energy Booster
  • Weight-loss / Fat burning
  • Helps to Alleviate any Sinus / Congestion Issues

Trusted Brands & Manufacturers

Author's Note: "I believe buying from trusted manufacturers is important and why I make this a point in my blog. I'd like to warn you that there are serious risks with consuming a bad supplement, some for example can increase your risks of serious diseases such as cancer!"



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