Still on cheese topic over here

in #food7 years ago (edited)

I have been thinking maybe I should do another quickie with the pizza, again...

Don't get me wrong, I actually have something interesting to discuss a bit further regarding pizza, But first of it needs a quickie on the origin, from various source I selected a few in fact that is has the simplest explaining it so us can be more actually digest the information since we are not an Italian lol.


So long story shorts, it takes back when the pizza < flatbread, the flat bread were in the go back to the ancient times in Middle East, as were found first around Babylonians, Israelites, and Egyptians ate these unleavened or cooked without leaven or as we known yeast then cooked in mud oven

Then travel fast forward where the pizza that we are all familiar with where tomato sauce, cheese and other toppings is actually from Italy, so yes, the pizza are from Italy, but must have gone through and different preference through time haha. The known person who are mostly given the credits for creating pizza pie, though the vendor before him and presence at that time is already selling flat breads with a variety of toppings to the poor workers of Naples for many years, yes it was a poor mans food!

So far its getting clear where the pizza itself the presented to King umberto I and Queen Margherita when they visit Naples in 1889, which featured fresh tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and basil, then earned its named Pizza marghertia.

"Little know flag, the fresh tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and basil are actually represent the flag of Italy!

Source fact on the origin

Main discussion

So here's what I'm about to tell you guys, do you had any idea how pizza that we know had a pepperoni?  ୧☉□☉୨ 

That became the default topping in US, then around the world as we know!

The Oxford Companion to American Food and Drink from January 1985 issue of Gourmet Magazine, pepperoni is actually Americanized version of Italian salami, I knew it! I mean these two are almost the same, well until the American decided to tricked almost everything in the making like curing it, they use lactic acid culture and greatly reduced the time took to curing it. As the result it became the most available Italian-style (at that time) cured meat in the US (particularly when pizza became popular in the US around the 50's) before more authentic Italian-style cured meat appeared.  In addition due to its shortened curing time the flavour can be improved by heating prior to consuming

(usually salami is eaten cold)


Yes, its actually don't matter that much, you could easily search it yourself haha, But the main reason is I just want to complete my pizza trivial in the previous post. So what do you think on this semi-complete pizza article? most of these are supperr cut, but meh, who want's to read whole page in steemit right?

But then again, thanks to the Time itself, we can enjoy the most good looking pizza with good tasting as it looks to the exaggerating one (eww)  (‘◇’) 

Source image; Flying pizza, Dark side of pizza,piazza mercato, 1900 New York, TV pizza

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