Stir fried beef with mushrooms and zucchini

in #food7 years ago

Hi my lovely friends of steemit!

Today I will share with you the menu of my lunch, it’s a nice and easy recipe, and it’s a complete meal which contains beef and vegetables and mushrooms.
I like this kind of food, because so rich, and don’t take so much time to do it.
stir fried beef with mushrooms and zucchini

So I will start with the ingredients which I need :

  • chopped onion
  • chopped tomato
  • leek
  • thyme
  • garlic paste
  • ginger paste
  • zucchini
  • fresh mushrooms
  • salt
  • Black pepper
  • paprika
  • cumin
  • coriander
  • basil leaves
  • celery
  • beef filet cut into small pieces
  • olives oil

Put the olives oil in the pan with chopped onion and chopped tomato let it cook for 2 minutes then add the zucchini and garlic paste +ginger paste + cumin+ Black pepper +salt+ coriander, and stir them well.

Add the beef and the mushrooms and Cut the leek into slices, put the beef filet to the texture and add the other spices and turn them well .

After 10 minutes of cook , add the celery on the top, and turn well until you get a dry texture.

The stir fried beef are ready!!!! It’s a super delicious dish!!!!
I serve it with basmati rice and lentil soup !!!!!!
And for me I ate them with some Moroccan bread with whole wheat!!!!!

So how you find my lunch menu for today?
I hope you like them and you give them try!!
Please do leave a comment below if you find the post interesting!

All photos are mine and original!

An upvote will be most welcomed!
Do resteem it if you think more people need to see it!

Thank you

arabic version
السلام عليكم أصدقائي الأحباء
سأشارككم وصفة الغداء التي حضرتها اليوم التي تعدُّ من أشهى الأطباق و أسهلها و التي تتكون من اللحم و القرع الأخضر و الفطر الطري.
فأنا أحب هذا الصنف من الأكل لأنه غني و و لن يتطلب الكثير من الوقت لإعداده
الآن سأبدأ بالمكونات التي احتجتها لإعداد هذا الطبق
بصلة مفرومة+طماطم مقطعة+حبة البورو+ الزعيترة+معجون الزنجبيل+ معجون الثوم+ القرع الأخضر+ الفطر الطري + الملح+الفلفل الأسود+الفلفل الأحمر+الكمون+ ورقة الحبق+ الكرفس + القزبر+ لحم الفيلي مقطع إلى قطع صغيرة+زيت الزيتون
نضع في مقلاة زيت الزيتون مع البصل المفروم و الطماطم المقطعة نقلي العناصر جيدا بعد ذلك نضيف القرع الأخضر و اللحم إلى الخليط مع اضافة معجون الثوم و الزنجبيل + الفلفل الأسود+ الملح + الكمون+ القزبر و نحرك جيدا
بعد مرور 10دقائق من التحريك نضيف المكونات الأخرى و ندع الكل حتى ينضج إلى أن يجف الخليط و نطفئ الموقد
لقد رافقته بشوربة العدس الشهية مع أرز بسمتي
أما أنا فقد حضرت الخبز المغربي المصنوع من القمح الكامل.
إذن كيف و جدتم طبق الغذاء الذي أعددته اليوم؟
أتمنى أن تنال إعجابكم وصفة اليوم و تقوموا بتجربتها في البيت.
و شكرا على تتبعكم لي و تشجيعكم لي و إلى الوصفة المقبلة إنشاء الله


It really looks very delicious, do you think it will be good if the meat is replaced with chicken ?, I am having some health problems and they sent me to eliminate the beef for a while. The lentil soup also looks very appetizing, the lentil was prescribed for its high iron content.

Hi dear! You can replace the beef with chicken and you can use the some ingredients , me also sometimes i make it with chicken, I hope now you give it try.

Thank you very much, my dear friend. a hug

Hello Friend! that really looks very good! It is a menu that looks very healthy and to share with the whole family! thanks for sharing! Blessings!

Hi dear! Thank you very much for your comment, it’s the easy and yummy recipe.

انه طبق لذيذ
ودمت دائما متألقة وأقترح عليك أن تنشئ قناة علي اليوتيوب
وسأأأأكون أنا من أول المشتركين

شكرا لك أخي على كلامك المشجع الله يحفظك

العفو تستحقين أفضل من ذلك

that looks so delicious and healthy,even if it contains beef.i keep showing my mother your recipes,she is a fan too.good luck

Hi brother! Thank you very much for you kind words! Tell her to try this easy recipe, it’s very nutritious dish.

you're welcome,for sure

ختي ربي يوفقك راكي غاديا في الطريق الصحيح انشاء الله تحققي المبتغى
عند بعض الإستفسارات كنعيا مننشر مواضيع مهمة ولكن لا شيء بدأت كنيأس ولكن الحمد لله على كل حال

السلام عليكم انا راني كنت شحال د الوصفات كنت كندير شوف البوست لي فاتو عندي و غادي تفهم ا شوف امتى دخلت كنت يالله كناخد ديك 1ولا2فالبوست الا مكانش عندك الصبر متكملش ا عاد دابا ستيم راه طاح الارض كمل خويا متيأسش

Another yummy dinner! I changed out the cheese to use what we already had and it really worked well.

Hi my dear friend! Am glad that you like it! Really it’s so yummy, I hope you try it my dear @tanata.

Hello friend, that looks very tasty and also makes the meat, I love your recipes !, the lentil soup is loaded with many vitamins.

Hi friend! Thank you for your nice feedback, I hope you try it.

The taste of ginger in food I love, a creative recipe.

Here in Mauritius the ginger paste and the garlic paste are essential elements in the Mauritian cuisine, and more than this is the more Heather than the powder.

hello friend, actually it is a pretty complete recipe, both the lentils are very rich, we have them as a tradition of abundance, I accompany them with a good rice, that meat looks exquisite and gathers all the nutrients that are essential for the human body. Bon appetit @ creativewoman

Thank you very much dear for your daily support.

Looks so yummy, think about having a restaurant or something like that

Hi brother! My husband has a bistro he sells the fast food, and grilled chicken, and burgers 🍔, boulette , Chinese food etc, for me i was taking the orders, especially in Ramadan, but now i don’t have time, you know i have small daughter and have to cook every day and I have to do all the homework. It’s not easy.

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