CreatIsa - Baking delicious rose cookies - Check this out!

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Last evening I baked my own rose cookies with apple!

I saw this idea on a site called: Pinterest
and I thought: I realy want to make this, it looks so cool!
so I did
During this post I will explain to you how I @adsactly created this!

The things you need are:

  • 1 roll of puff pastry
  • 3 red apples
  • 750 ml apple juice
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 100 g suger
  • honey
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

The first step is to free heat the oven at 190 degrees
Than you cut the 3 apples in very small pieces:

Than you get a large pan in which you do the apple juice, the lemon juice and the sugar

When it is cooking you add the apples.
when the apples are a bit soft so you can bow them they may out of the pan and you lay them on a cutting bord:

Than you let the pieces apple a bit cooling down, In the mean time you cut the roll of puff pastry in different pieces around 4 cm

Than you do the apples on the pieces, they have to be a bit above so you can see the red of the apples, like this:

As you see in the picture: Ialso did a bit sugar on it
than you fol the pieces likes this:

And than you roll it from left to right, and there is already the rose!

Than you only have to do a few more steps!:
do the roses in a cupcake shape thing

Do them 40/45 minutes in the oven

let them cool a bit down

and there they are! your own made rose cookies of apple!

Do you like this post and are you mayby have a try?!

and mayby please resteem it!?

I liked it a lot to make and it was so delicious!! I hope you also like it!

Kind regards, Isa


It's looks so deliious & yammy. Excellent photography. @creatisa

Wow it looks delicious craving that one nice

great idea. saw this frist in my life. keep it on.looks like perfect combination of food and art

It looks very nice and I believe it will be delicious.

They look fantastic, I'm definitely going to give them a try. I 'll use my own apples from my tree.Day 51.JPG

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