Vegans Are Ruining The World?!

in #food6 years ago (edited)

Well, it's more people in general and a few of these facts have really backed up that the people are the problem on this planet, not overpopulation. This was a list brought up by Alltime10s, although I'm unsure if this was taken from a list or he did the research on it, some of these are pretty startling but at the same time show that we're screwing with our planet and ourselves as a species no matter what we do.


1. Environmental Footprint
We all know that a large standpoint on veganism is how harmful consumption of meat is to the environment, like how just one hamburger produces enough fossil fuels to drive a small car for 30km. However, according to a new study at CMU, this isn't entirely true. They claim that eating lettuce is actually 3x worse in terms of greenhouse gas emissions than eating bacon! That and lettuce is much more likely to go bad before reaching the dinner table. Adding to that wonderful 220 million ton of wasted food per year that I wrote about before.


2. Crazy Hormones
The Imperial Regent has advised us on this fact before actually! Soy contains an anti-nutrient called Phytoestrogens which is in the unfermented soy that most westerners consume. Mostly in the form of Soy milk, Tofu, and Soy infant formula. This has very harmful effects on the body, such as causing like an estrogen imbalance in males and females. In males, it causes MBE(male breast enlargement) and loss of sexual desire and infertility in both sexes. In women, it may cause premature menstration!


3. California Drought
This is one of those "wtf" entries that is mostly due to man's stupidity and greed. Almonds are an amazing food but need millions of liters of water to be produced, and guess where they're planted mostly? California... On average it takes about 5 liters of water to grow 1 almond! And because of the huge profits almonds bring in, more and more orchards are being planted. California currently produces 82% of the world's almonds....are you serious? Guzzling 10% of the area's annual agricultural water supply, maybe a more rich land should be in use for this.


4. Blood Guacamole: The Knights Templar
The Knights Templar? Probably not the one you're thinking of. In Mexico, where Avocados are referred to as "green gold" they can actually get you killed. In 2016, avocados earned Mexico 1.6 BILLION dollars in exports. Concentrated in the state of Michoacan, and controlled by the drug cartel Los Caballeros Templarios (The Knights Templar). Long story short, they have bought the avocado market for the most part and sellers who don't comply with giving up a percentage of the income to them are usually killed.


5. Cancer and Heart Disease
According to a study in the US that have turned an argument on its head, a long-term all plant diet has shown that it can alter human DNA and raise the risk for cancer and heart disease, although I'm not too sure about this one since there's that 70 year old vegan woman who looks like she's 30, they find populations who have been eating plants only for a few generations have had their DNA mutated to absorb more essential fatty acids from plants, boosting the production of arachidonic acid, which is linked to cancer.


6. Nutrient Deficiency
Most vegans or vegetarians can actually tell you this one. B12 is important, and without using supplements, you're most likely not going to find it in your plant diet. A study shows that 92% of vegans are deficient in this nutrient. Consequences of the lack of this vitamin could be blindness or brain abnormalities! 2.6mcg is recommended for a normal adult per day!


7. Mental Health
In 2014, a controversial study was performed by MUG showed that those who adopted a vegan diet were more susceptible to mental and physical disorders or a lower quality of life. The study was taken over 13,000 people and the final consensus was that vegans were hit harder by 13 of the 18 illnesses that were monitored in the study including diabetes, migraines, and osteoporosis and they were twice as likely to suffer from anxiety and depression. Yikes... It was concluded that a more Mediterranian Diet was more suitable. Including a lot of fruits and veggies while keeping in a moderate amount of meat.


8. Starving South America
This is another manmade problem. We're really good at doing these things. Quinoa from Peru has become extremely popular over the last few years and is farmed mainly in Peru and Bolivia. It used to be a cash crop, but due to the hike in prices from its increasing popularity in the Western world, pushed the people of South America out of their own market. Between 2000 and 2014 the export price of quinoa has tripled to 6-7$ per kilogram. Now the people who have eaten the grain for the best part of 7 centuries now find junk food to be cheaper and easier to buy.

9. Children's Health
All things in moderation. A child needs certain vitamins and foods to help them grow! In the UK the number of vegans has risen a whopping 360%! This is basically a retelling of the nutrient deficiency segment, but more based on kids as 42% of those vegans might be planning to raise babies and children on an all plant diet.



10. Cashew Burn
Most people don't know what a cashew even looks like. You do now! They're the most popular nut in the US and Europe due to how healthy and delicious they are. 60% of the cashews are processed in India where working conditions are BRUTAL! Yes, this is another human greed problem. Cashews are ridiculously hard to extract and contain cardol and anacardic acid which can burn away your skin with long-term exposure. They earn about $2 a day in this work...

So I should probably take this time to say I'm in no way against vegans or meat eaters. I used to hate veganism when I was younger but the last few months I've been pretty much vegetarian, eating meat a few times a month at most. I can say my life quality had improved to it. There are enough arguments on both sides to go against eating one of these ways but it all comes down to your own studies and what your bodies feel and how they respond. Moderation is the key. I'll leave Alltime10s video below as I only briefly summarized all of his points. Both sides have a lot of pros and a handful of cons, I'm no nutritionist and I've learned from a very good friend that you need to listen to your body and not some health chart. If it doesn't feel right for you, then it isn't for you. Vegans aren't ruining the world, meat eaters aren't ruining the world, herbivores and vegetarians aren't ruining the world. Human beings are ruining the world with greed and poor choices. Everything needs a balance. Remember this and be well!


Very good posts. Brother's continued success

The thing about studies is they need to be repeatable, and I'm not sure most studies out there are when it comes to nutrition and all that sort of thing. Each person is SO different, so yes, listening to your own body is crucial. As time goes forward, so will science, which will inevitably tell us all something different. It's also important to see who funded the study and who/what they are using as sources ;)

Agreed, I'm more upset at how the world has yet to find a real balance. We lost our health and love over the last few centuries.

The Lord doesn't like that people waste so much food, or take more than they can hand and thus... waste more food. It is also a pet peev of mine and I see it all too often. I hate it. People need to be RESPONSIBLE!

Great source of information. I didn't know a lot of this.

Sounds like there's a lot of waste happening

Holy crap, that's a lot of water for one almond, Never knew this cause I've never grown nuts...

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