Home Made Noodles (Comfort Food!)

in #food6 years ago







Homemade noodles are a long time tradition. My grandma used to make them for Thanksgiving dinner (and many other regular Sunday dinners, too)

I seem to get in the habit and then completely forget about them for a long while. Then one of the kids will say, "Hey, can we have homemade noodles for Thanksgiving this year?"

And the tradition is back. These are a HUGE favorite, and although I don't really care much for store bought pasta anymore, these are SOOOOO good and almost like a different thing all together.

The recipe is super simple:
1 cup flour
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder (optional)
1 egg
2 TBSP milk

Stick in the food processor or in my case, the Ninja blender and pulse until it is a nice ball of dough.

Roll out on a floured surface until it is THIN. These babies tend to puff up a lot, so you want them thin... unless you like the more dumpling type noodles AND have the time to cook them. I love them, but today I was in a bit more of a hurry.

I use this spice cutter that I found at a garage sale to cut fairly uniform noodles, toss them in the extra flour (mostly so they don't stick, but also so that the broth thickens even more when I cook the noodles.

Then toss them in the boiling broth of your choice (we're using bone broth cooked down from a rotisserie chicken.) and cook like you would regular old pasta.

I'll toss some frozen veggies in here when they're almost done and viola one dish meal! :)

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I hear ya! Preach on!

They came out really good. You're recipe seems really easy, I'll have to try but who knows🙈

It is SOOOOO freaking easy! I'm always surprised at how easy it is, especially now that I have a blender that I can use. Back when I mixed them by hand, THAT was a chore :) Give it a try.

I never though of using a blender lol

wow you are the best homemade noodlesstoom eten.gif

haha! I like makesushi's meme! hey these suckers look great Byn. Just gotta remember to make them THIN or they'll be strange looking noodles!

I actually LOVE really thick homemade noodles. They're more like dumplings and SO freaking delicious!!!

oh..did I misread your post? Didn't you say to be sure to make the noodles real thin? lol.

Well, that's what I did... and I swear, they always grow to three times their size. So I can roll them fairly thin and they still cook up thick. It is a matter of personal preference, but I was in a hurry this time, so I made them SUPER thin and then wished I hadn't!

Don't mind me, I'm confused more often than not.

hahaha! you're confused more often than not lol. well it seems to work out with cooking so that's what's important!

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