Jackfruit: Break it on down!

in #food7 years ago

The first time I had jack fruit I was cruising thru the produce section at whole foods when the produce attendant asked if I wanted to try it. One thing I recall him saying, when I asked what it tastes like was bubble gum. I would more describe it with a crisp texture, with a mild tropical finish. I took some home and rarely saw it again after that until living in SE Asia. Jackfruit was always ready to eat at my local market and very affordable compared to more western fruits.


There are so many uses for jackfruit, I got very excited when I saw this jackfruit sitting in my local grocery store. It had a small area that was getting soft. The selection was limited as there were only 2 of them on the shelf and both were pretty ripe. I decided to grab the one with the small soft spot and ask for a discount. It never hurts to ask, as most going bad produce will just end up in a landfill. I was glad I asked, I was offered 50% off of the jackfruit making the $20 piece of fruit $10.


Breaking down a prickly jackfruit can be a bit tedious, but not as intimidating as it might look. The fruit is so tasty and has so many healthy benefits that it is worth every step.

** This is how you do it**

Cut your jackfruit in half lengthwise

It might seem challenging, but you can always pull it apart if you are having any difficulty.

As you can see inside the fruit has large nuts, that are also edible, sort of like a small red potato. So I will be setting those aside to be cooked at another time.

I like to break down the 1/2 pieces one more time and work with 1/4 sizes

This makes it much easier to pull the fruit from the fibers and skin.

Now that you have done the hard work, it's time to pull out the fruit. The fruits all encase a large nut that I mentioned earlier. You want to separate the inner nut and pull off any remaining fibers of each fruit.


When you are finished your jackfruit will look like this!


There are many health benefits for eating such a vitamin & mineral rich food. I personally love that its also great at cell regeneration, so I also add it into my skin care.


I hope you enjoyed seeing how to break one down & are encouraged to get after it next time you see this strange looking fruit in your local supermarket. Follow along for the upcoming jackfruit recipes!

Thank you for reading!

I know we all only have so many votes per day, so I want to thank you in advance for considering my post worthy of your vote! @brandyb


Love how much care and passion you put into your posts. Great info BB

It helps to have a great photographer!

its really interesting. its looks like our cola.th.jpg

nice one @brandyb

I can't wait to cook them.. I making a yellow curry with them!

My country of birth has so many trees that grow jackfruits lol I love them. :D

So tasty, not to sweet which I really enjoy

So cool! I've heard about and wondered about Jackfruit before, but haven't tried it yet. I will eventually. :)

tip! 1 hide

Thanks Luke! Neat tip share! Looking forward to reading more about it on your blog.

I'm in Thailand and buy this already cleaned from street vendors. 20 thb is enough for me to eat one or two pods a day and it lasts abut 5 days usually. Such luxury! good on you to do all that work!

It really is! This is the first One I've had since I moved to Tennessee, so I was really thrilled!

Tennessee! Then this really is a find for you. So glad it was a good one. I'm even a little picky on my pods now and yours look great.

Thanks for your sharing

My pleasure, glad you enjoyed!

We have a few markets in town where we can get Jackfruit. Every so often, we spring for it. I have loved jackfruit ever since it was introduced to me 10 years ago.

It was a lucky find! Glad to hear you enjoy it as well! Thanks for resteeming!

I've only ever seen pictures of these -- and even there they look so intimidating. Back when kiwi fruit was new and all the rage, I kind of went off trying strange and exotic fruit. For all the work you have to put into a kiwi, I'd rather have strawberries!

But this looks really interesting -- and if I ever do see one in the grocery store (how likely is that I wonder?), I'll at least consider it. With your pictures to show what to do -- and the recommendations of others here (looking at you, @digitalfirehose) ... I may be brave enough to try it. Thanks for the encouragement. (smile)

I've had good and bad experiences picking up random exotic fruits in the supe market, not knowing what they are or how to open them or best way to eat is. So I hope you found it helpful and give it a try. It has many uses!!

Oh I love eating Jackfruits @brandyb! Here we it when it is not riped too! We cook it in curry!
The seeds I just love it boiled in salted water!
Everything is so good with Jackfruit!
Thanks for this lovely post!

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