Sometimes, foods with different meanings. / Life Photography

in #food7 years ago

The restaurant is one I go when feeling lack of energy and nutrition.

There are very nice various foods. They had new menu when I went there on Saturday. There were more wild greens called Na-Mul in Korean, rice juice called Sike, traditional Korean snack to make by myself with the ingredients on the table. I'm currently looking for many healing foods and taking a walk many times. Refresh me! Clarify it! That's like my life slogan now. I have helpers, healing foods, walking and self confidence.

Special thanks for this time: 

I appreciated your advice @haphazard-hstead

Thank you for your warm comfort and sharing. @noganoo

Share the foods with me!

There were too sauces, soy sauce and red pepper paste sauce for bibimbap with vegetables. 

The traditional Korean sweets in the picture is called Yugwa. It is a Deep-fried Sweet Rice Cake. 

I'm trying to have more herb tea than coffee these days after a morning coffee. I can't skip a cup of coffee after eating a lot though. 

I sometimes stop doing everything without working I have to do when I'm in serious trouble. It could be a day or a month because I feel just drowning. Without steemit, it would have been longer. Don't keep it to yourself! Yes, that's right. It's not just easy though. I'm sharing foods, feeling and something good. I'm talking with steemit. I'm in steemit. I'm breathing.

Photo Story by @bontonstory


A feast!! Where did you put all that @bontonstory

Guess! where? lol You made me laugh. @immarojas

Just because I wanna join you in those expeditions lolsss

I love sharing the food with you!! Delightful pictures and things i have never seen before!!

Hi, how's mini BOOM doing? :) Thank you @meesterboom

Mini BOOM baking away just nicely ;0)

Thank you for posting @bontonstory.

Lovely post.....beautiful photographs....with your signature style.

If one may be permitted to leave a word of encouragement....bleujay would say there is One who has provided eternal life for all mankind.

"For you see, God loved the world so much that He gave His uniquely born Son that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." -John 3.16

The issue is Christ...What do you think of Christ Jesus....Do you accept or reject Him as your personal Saviour. He not only provides eternal life...there is also a life of fulfillment after salvation.

“Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:” - John 11:25

There is nothing to lose and everything to gain. .....For He hath called you out the darkness into His marvelous light. I Peter 2.9

Wishing you all the best....God's best for your life. A bientot. ^_^

Thank you @bleujay I know this is your best comment and sharing with love for me. I feel like this is your pray for me. Thank you for everything @bleujay Have a good day.

Thank you for your reply @bontonstory. would be correct in your assessment. bleujay wishes for you what is to be found in Christ.....that is where happiness lies and no where else...all else is stimulation and false promises. Contentment is happiness not happenings.

The link above is the link to the good news under the books tab written in Korean by a man who was in Korea as a missionary for thirteen years.

All the best to you. A bientot. ^_^

Religion is man by mans effort seeking the approbation of God.
Christianity on the other hand is a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. It is faith alone in Christ alone for salvation.

If you are eating wild greens, you know that one thing is going right on that day! All the greens in the different bowls looks really good! I'm glad you have Steemit to express your situation. Best thoughts for you!

Thanks for coming @haphazard-hstead :) See you again!!!

Hello, @lichtblick :) What do you have in your blog today? I'll stop by. See you then again :)

Graffiti art :-) Thanks for watching :-)

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