Is Cafe' Bustelo the strongest and best espresso coffee on the planet?

in #food7 years ago (edited)


If you like kick ass espresso and haven't tried Cafe' Bustelo, do yourself a favor. You'll thank me!

Recently I bought and sampled a variety of high caffeine coffees in a quest for the ultimate caffeine rush to jolt me alert in the morning. Despite flashy names suggesting they would wake the dead, power a Viking into a berserker frenzy, or send my consciousness soaring high into the cosmos, I ended my journey where I began - back to drinking my old favorite, Cafe' Bustelo. A widely available, tasty and inexpensive espresso ground that just may be the most powerful coffee on Planet Earth! There's got to be something out there somewhere that's more powerful. But after years of searching, I haven't found it yet.

So let's say you want to give it a try. You won't have to go to a specialty online store or hard to track-down location. It's widely available at most large grocery stores! Hidden in plain sight!

Here's your standard 10 oz brick.


This is what you want to buy. Be careful with the larger sizes because while you would assume they would be a better value, the cost per ounce is often inexplicably higher.

I suggest that you also purchase one resealable plastic 32 oz "Party Size."


Party time!! You can dump the contents of the smaller bricks into this handy container for easy use. I run mine through a standard espresso maker, the brewing cup packed to overflowing with this magical dirt-like substance. I have also used it regular coffeemakers with excellent results.

Who is this mysterious and alluring lady?


Why, that's the wondrous goddess who helps transform me every morning from a trudging, brain-dead zombie into a jacked up wolverine ready to ride the wild surf, practice kung fu or make crazed cybernetic howls on my guitar. Cafe' Bustelo gets me where I prefer to be, energy and attitude-wise.


Did I mention that I love Cafe' Bustelo? If you like strong tasting espresso that will hyper-caffeinate your day, give it a shot! Unlike all those overhyped, disappointing, "dangerous" so-called high caffeine grounds I tried, Cafe' Bustelo delivers the goods. I've been drinking it for 20 years and despite my best efforts over that whole time to find a more powerful replacement, I have never found anything that packs such a gratifying jolt. And it is available in almost any large grocery store, at least here in Florida.

Full disclosure: I am not sponsored by Cafe' Bustelo or any of its parent or subsidiary entities! This endorsement is as pure as they come.




Great post, reads like you were running on pure Bustelo power!

Thanks, and you are correct @misshelelau. 3am and wired on caffeine, I realized that after 20 years of being superpowered by Cafe Bustelo, it was time for me to step up and declare my devotion! With a celebration of this magical, inexpensive, delicious life fuel.

Maybe you could include it in a special version of one of your signature cocktails sometime!

I was introduced to Café Bustelo not too long ago. Terrific coffee.

Thanks for the chuckle.

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