Taste of durian fruit

in #food7 years ago

Durian is known as the most special fruit in my indonesia, because this durian has a different taste with other fruits. Depending also on the same person, there are also some durian orangutans that smell very odor.


Durian name is also very unique, because the fruit has a thorn on the skin. Merging words between "thorns" and endings "an" and incorporated into a word "durian".


Perhaps in addition to the Indonesian state is very rarely found fruit like this, katena tree is also located in the forest and the tree will die if the land is not natural. This durian tree can also live 100 years, even more.

Behind the sharp skin, inside there is a very sweet fruit. Even people likened the fruit to life this sentence is "do not judge people only from appearance, because appearance does not symbolize personality of person, look like durian fruit, appearance very baruk but therein there is good result".


Thank you for your visit and hopefully useful!

SteeMit Community of Indonesia


Saya melihat gambarnya aja, udah terbayang kelezatannya walau kulitnya berdiri tapi rasanya bikin "hawa lom", aduh...Very delicious ....Apalagi durian Buloh, enak sekali. Postingan saudara @barvon luar biasa....Great post

Hahahahhaa sepertinya anda benar-benar hawa, saya juga hawa Lom 😂
Hahaha terima kasih saudara @slempase

Durian..oh durian. Nikmatnya tiada tara, walau baunya menganga. Durian sangat nikmat juga dinikmati pada saat sedang hujan, karena ada zat pendukung suhu tubuh di dalam isinya.
Enak sekali bila durian disantap dengan nasi ketan berkuah.
Salam sukses @barvon


Sedapnya tanggapan anda ini :D
Terima kasih @nazarashy 👏👏

can you serve me ? I just hungry..

Postingan yg menarik.. Follow saya yea sahabat

looks like hedgehog, but when you open looks gud fruit. I would like to test it

Hahaha It looks like a delicious fleshy hedgehog. ^^

Foto2nya pasti bikin mupeng org2 yg cinta durian...hmm siang2 gini. Tp sy termasuk yg ga bs makan durian, langsung mabok kalo ad org yg makan durian di rmh, harus cari tempat ngungsi sementara waktu 😁

Hahahaha, sangat disayangkan, padahal rasanya sangat menggoda. ^^

Ya begitulah. Mgkn salah satu sebab krn sy ga terekspos buah ini dr kecil. Kalo di sumatra, durian ini bisa dibilang gampang bgt dijumpai, di pekarangan rumah, di kebun2. Tp klo di jawa buah ini ngga termasuk hasil kebun, langka. Di bbrp tempat termasuk di daerah sy ngga ad org jual durian. Jd udah lazim org di tempat sy seumur hidup ga pernah ngerasain buah durian hahaha 😂

Durian... I want to try it later!

Hhhhmm thank you @tabris

Hawa teuh dak geu tem bi bacut.

Han yak bie Yong :D
Hahaha bereh Jak keuno aju

Pat posisi mangat long jak?

Hahahaha 😂
Lon Na dilhokseumawe, droneuh Pat tinggai?
Puna lampoh drin bak droneuh, Mangat ta gok2 aju. :D😂😂😂

Meunyoe na lampoh drin hana long lake bak droe neuh. Pat na ngon tanyoe yang na lampoh drin?

Hahahaha lon Pike na 😂
Hana deuh Lom ngen yg na lampoh drin, payah ta hendel Ju nyo :D

Eating with pulut added delicious 😊

Hahaha thank you my friend ^^

I tried Durian in Thailand, and that's fruit not for me. Didn't like smell and taste.

Different from where I am Aceh, most people love the taste of this fruit, taste and smell very good for us here. :)
Thank you very much for comments :)

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