Healthy Nutella [FAST RECIPE]

in #food7 years ago

Healthy nutella

Dear steemians, today i want to give you something sweet and healthy so your day becomes even nicer :)

I love this recipe, at least once a month it appears on my table as a switch for standard peanutbutter. Yummy!


- Dates about 180g
- Plant-based milk without sugar 250ml, soy or different one depends on you but this one is my favourite :)
- Cacao 3TBS (Depends how much you put it's gonna be darker and have stronger taste)
- Peanut butter 100% (without any extra ingredients - palm oil, sugar etc.) 2TBS
- If you want to you can add hazelnuts

Add to pot milk, dates, cacao and peanutbutter.
Stear together and cook until the butter is melted, then add hazelnuts if you choosed this variation. Then we blend it till become thicky, silky cream.

And voila!
Our homemade nutella is done! Very fast isn't it? You can add it to whatever you like to... (but it tastes great with pancakes believe me <3)

I hope you like it! :)
Bon appetit!
Babet <3


Yees, it tastes awesome! You can do your own it's really easy! :)

I love that you added dates. What a great idea.

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