Eating lamb chop for cheap and healthy

in #food7 years ago


I've been reading about about how our diet affects the way we live and how the body digests different type of food.

I've come to the realization of this one thing that is DESTROYING the health of society. Carbohydrates. Although a good source of energy, carbohydrates does little else, no nutrients, nothing to heal your body or build them in the long term. carbs are just that, Pure packed energy. It's okay if you're the type that runs around all day or works with your muscle, but really, most of us modern humans just sit down and use our brain muscles for work. We no longer need that much energy as a normal 9-5 office working person. And worst off, any carbs that is not being used will be turned into fat.

Ever wonder why you have that nasty belly?

It's not the meat and fat you ate.. It's the carbs, the fries, the bread, and for me.... the rice. You CANNOT believe the obsession of South East Asians towards Rice. Every meal we ate has rice.. Everything! And I've come to realise it sickens the modern human. 200 years ago it's okay because everyone worked manual labor around here. Now, not so much. Even so rice has been such a staple you can't escape it unless you go against the flow and eat expensive food.

But I trying to go around it

Today I eat cheap "economy western food". Imagine steak, but cooked by an Asian who has never tasted a medium rare porterhouse and made using the cheapest available meat, garnish and condiment he can find. Nowhere near a good Texan Grill. But passable. Usually it comes with fries or garlic bread. Carbs.. Thanks.. I have none of them.

So today for dinner, I ordered lamb chop. No fries, no bread, garnished with a side of coleslaw, tomato, onion and cucumber slice. It's not much yes.. I tried to order "half cooked, please" because they don't understand what is medium rare and have been indoctrinated with "food must be overcooked no matter what".... but the lamb came out white to the core. Owh well.. I can't ask too much!


Overall bill, 15 Malaysian Ringgit, or about 4 US Dollars. Not bad!



I dont know if you knew it , but I admire rice and asian food, I agree with western fast food, this bellys that you are talking about are growing very fast !

There's a beauty to Asian food I have to admit. But there's also rice in Asian food.. Almost Everything comes with rice!

Its okay if you are an active person that uses energy alot. But detrimental if you are not as active.

Too much meat and fat won't make you fat. Too much carbs like rice and bread will..

great article

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