My Palak Paneer Recipe

in #food6 years ago


So @izaid asked me to share my Secret Recipe if I had any. Sadly I don't have any so I am sharing my Palak Paneer Recipe which I cooked just about 4 Days ago.



Paneer or Cottage Cheese.
Palak or Spinach
Green Chillies



Step 1

Boil some water in a Pan and let it really Boil up. Once the Water is Boiling just gently Blanch the Spinach Leaves into the Boiling Water for 30-60 seconds. Make sure that the Color of the Leaves stay Green.

After that wash the Spinach Leaves in Cold Water immediately. This will immediately stop the Cooking of the Leaves and keep them Green.


After that just leave them in a Strainer. We will need them later on.


Step 2

While your Spinach Leaves are cooling down fry some Paneer Cubes in Refined Oil.


Now I prefer my Cottage Cheese slightly fried. If you like them as it is you can go on without using this Step.


Step 3

Put a Pan on a Flame and add some Oil to it. Once the Oil is hot add some Cumin Seeds, Chopped Chillies, Ginger Garlic Paste, Chopped Onions and some Chopped Tomatoes to the Mix.


Now cook them for about 5 mins so that they Bind together. Let it cool for some Time.


Step 4

This is the most easy Step. Add the Blanched Spinach Leaves and the Mix we made in the Previous Step in a Blender and Blend them Together.


You can add water to the mix if you think the consistency of the Mix is a Bit Thick.


Step 5

Now put a Pan on Flame and add some Oil. Heat the oil and then add Tumeric Powder, Chilli Powder, Jeera Powder and some Salt and fry the Spices as it will give a Rusty Feeling.


Add the Paneer/Cottage Cheese cubes to the Pan and let the Spices Coat the Cubes nicely and evenly.


Cottage Cheese is very light in Flavour so these Spices will give it a very Earthy Flavour.


Step 6

Now add the Spinach Mix we made in Step 4 into the Pan and add some Salt to taste.


Let it cook for a solid 5 minutes under very Low Flame. And your Dish is Complete. Serve it in Medium Temperature to enjoy the Maximum Flavour of it.


I hope you like this Recipe of mine.
Try it at Home and leave any Feedback.


I like the recipe! I've a friend in India but he didn't tell about this food, seems to be tasty, I need to try:)
is it eaten like salad or with sandwiches?

It's a Curry type Dish but you can use it as a Sandwich Mix by adding the Cottage Cheese in Grated form.

AJ picked your post @arunava for his #TOP5 FOOD POST. Visit AJ's FOOD ROUNDUP to view where your post is ranked.

I am at 4.


Indian food?

Yeah it's Indian

Interested.. Looking nice food taste..


Great recipe------I like anything with cheese in it :)

Ya man me too. Cheese mkes everything better.

Looks nice and yummy. I learned how to make it when I visited India and was one of my favorite dishes :)
Keep up the good work :)

It has been so long that I posted a Food Related Post.

Will always check your new posts :) Enjoy your Weekend!

Great job.,,,,very good post sir.I wanna eat it.

It was good. It's too hot. Alluring food Really awesome post. Continue

Sharing informative posts are always turns to be a blessing in disguise for many.

when I was forced to cook for myself few years back I used to call some close relative to know each step of how to cook a particular dish.

I get you man even I used to call my Mom and ask what to do.

Thats true....Every relative back in kerala knows how I managed my cooking in Delhi for an year...Even the Middle east life during bachelor hood I never tried cooking. But in was very difficult to survive ...

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