The best cookie ever: The simply soft and chewy snickerdoodle.

in #food7 years ago


My favorite cookie. When I am a good husband and get all the chores done the Mrs will make me a batch of these warm, soft pillowy snickerdoodles. They are such a simple and tasty cookie. They take me back to when I was a kid. My mom made these cookies more than any other. I remember she used to make DOZENS AND DOZENS of cookies to take to the guards on base, police and the fire dept on Christmas to thank them for sacrificing their time away from family and risking their lives in order to keep us safe during the holidays. Out of all of them, the snickerdoodle was the cookie that won out every year. Its a simple sugar drop cookie rolled in cinnamon and sugar. It has a trademark cracked surface, and soft interior.


Some good tips when making these is to follow the proper method of making them (they are in order below), and chilling the dough for 1-2 hours. The unique tangy taste of the cookie comes from adding cream of tartar to the batch with your baking soda, however the Mrs discovered (when I forgot to get some from the store >.<) that if you do not have cream of tartar, you can leave it out along with the baking soda and just use baking powder instead!

When Im extra good and put away the dishes the Mrs will even make me a special big cookie with the leftover dough...

I will provide a recipe in jpeg format at the bottom of this post, and hope you enjoy. I was also recently told that its wise to post a pic of yourself on your articles, to show youre a real person. So i decided to offer that as well as a genuine reaction to eating these cookies. Please enjoy, thanks for stopping by and please upvote, follow, comment and resteem! Thanks!


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