🍔 The Ultimate Vegan Burger: Red Beet Black Bean Quinoa Burger served with "Cheesy" Potatoes & Broccoli 🍔

in #food7 years ago


Get ready for the new week with these delicious hearty burgers! Beets give them their gorgeous pink hue and earthy flavor while freshly cooked black beans create a meaty texture.

Though a normal burger comes in a bun, yes I know, we usually eat it with some roasted veggies or oven-baked sweet potato fries and a side salad as we try to keep bread consumption to an absolute minimum.

What's wrong with bread you may ask. Well, nothing if you have a normal functioning body and eat it in moderation. For my hubby, however, who is managing Multiple Sclerosis through the power of whole foods, bread is bad news. It adds to the chronic inflammation in his body and can make things worse. Especially bread varieties that contain gluten.

To be honest we even prefer our burgers without a bun. Veggies taste so much better than bread, right? Or maybe that's just in our flavor world hehe....

Red Beet Black Bean Quinoa Burger with Cheesy Potatoes & Broccoli 🍔


Ingredients (serves 2)

For the burgers

⅓ cup uncooked quinoa, any color (makes about 1 cup cooked)
1 cup grated carrot
1 cup raw red beet, finely cubed or grated
½ cup red onion, finely chopped
1.5 cup cooked black beans, drained and rinsed when using a can
2 cloves of garlic minced
1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
Pinch chili paste
Juice of 1 lime (about 1 tbsp)

Herb mix

2 tsp cumin powder
2 tsp paprika powder
2 tsp dried oregano
Sea salt and black pepper to taste

FYI: this recipe makes 8 burgers, we ate 2 each and frozen 4 for later, if you don't want to freeze them, halve the recipe.


For the cheesy potatoes & broccoli

4 cups broccoli florets
1.5 cups potatoes, chopped
Sea salt and black pepper to taste

For the cheesy sauce

1 cup unsalted raw cashew nuts, soaked
3 tbsp nutritional yeast
1 clove garlic
1 tsp onion powder
Sea salt, black pepper, and nutmeg to taste
Juice of 2 limes (2 tbsp)
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
⅓ cup water


For the burgers

  1. Cook quinoa according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Meanwhile cut all other ingredients.
  3. Over low heat, saute garlic for 30 seconds. Stir in red beets, carrot, and onion and cook for 10 minutes. Stir regularly. Season with herb mix. Taste and adjust flavoring if needed.
  4. Then stir in quinoa and remove from the heat. Add chili paste, parsley, lime, and black beans. Mash until everything comes together.
  5. Preheat oven to 180-200C (350-400F) and cook for 15 minutes, flip and cook for another 15 minutes.

FYI: to make them extra crisp you could finish them of by cooking them in a pan on the stove for a few minutes each side.





For the cheesy broccoli

  1. Soak cashew for at least 4 hours, overnight is best.
  2. Preheat oven to 180-220 C. Add potatoes and broccoli to an oven dish. Drizzle with oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast until tender.
  3. Combine all cheese ingredients in a blender and process until smooth.
  4. Last few minutes add cheese over the veggies and roast a few minutes more or grill if you have a grill function.




Bon Appétit




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FYI: For green smoothie tips, tricks, and recipes, download my FREE green smoothie eBook HERE!


wow , this will go well with a glass of red wine..Guten appetit

Wowzer! This looks really good. I would definitely make this with my husband! ❤

Wow it looks so delicious 🤤 and healthy too! 💚 This burger is properly packed with plant power! 🍔🌱💪🏻

Yeah for plant-power. It' s the best. Have a great day @deliciousplants!

That looks and sounds delicious!!!

Thank you @vegoutt-travel!

Wow! Looks great and delicious @amy-goodrich! Thank you for the recipe and step by step photos🤗
I never tried cooking with quinoa but this looks very intresting to try!

We love quinoa. Such a versatile food to cook with. I recently started to add it to my granola mix too... so nice when toasted. Have a great day!

Wow! It’s a amazing dish my dear! I like the vegetables so much, especially the green one, because contains so much folic acid, iron and fiber.

Green veggies are indeed so good for you! Thanks for stopping by!

Thanks for sharing a great recipe.

As much as I like good bread, I actually usually do my veggie burgers with veggie sides, too. :) These look delicious. I haven't tried doing beet burgers in a while, so it may be time to give it a whirl again! Thanks for the wonderful recipe!

I love all kinds of veggie burger but the ones with black beans and red beets are just my favorite. Thanks for your lovely comment and next time try the cheesy sauce on your roasted veggies. Soo good ;)

That looks so delicious! Thanks for sharing :)

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