in #food7 years ago


Greetings my lovely steemit family! BIG THANK YOU for all the love and support messages we received during the past few days. After rushing my 15-year-old cat Chivas to the capital on Wednesday, life has been so emotional and hectic.

Wednesday evening vets decided to go for surgery as they just had to find out what was blocking her digestive tract as x-rays didn't give a clear view on it. Thursday they did the surgery and found a big tumor. Though we don't know yet which cancer it was and if we need to be concerned for more to come, they only could find one and successfully removed it.

Because my little furry one is like family to me we decided to pay the extra $200 to send the tumor to Europe for further analysis. It will take about 3 weeks the vet told me to know more as Cambodia doesn't have the facilities to do the test and make sure we get the correct diagnosis.

She has been such a good kitty cat. We came home yesterday after a few tiring days - my parents also arrived on Friday.... speaking of bad timing. They have been so helpful and understanding.... we planned to do so many things and they just proposed to cancel it all.

But my loving hubby doesn't want any of that so after the weekend, he will stay home to care for our Chivas and I will take them to one of the tropical islands for a few days to relax and unwind. Though we planned to do so much more, we decided that any place in the world is good to have some quality family time. So though we changed our plans, I am sure we will have a few loving few weeks.

Here's my little furry champ a few hours after the surgery.


We removed the band-aid on her tummy yesterday evening. Though the incision is big it looks good and neatly done.

Thanks to the wonderful French vets Arnaud, Anne-Sophie, and Xavier from Agrovet Clinic in Phom Penh.

Thanks again for all the love and support! Much appreciated. Big paw from Chivas too ღ ღ ღ

But let's talk smoothies again! I had to go without for a few days and could feel the withdrawal symptoms hehe....




2-3 cup fresh spinach
2 carrots, roughly chopped
2-3 cups water
1.5 cup pineapple chunks
1.5 cup mango
2 passion fruits
1 banana
Optional toppings: goji berries and coconut flakes


  1. Blend spinach and water until smooth. Add the remaining ingredients and blend again. If the smoothie is too thick, add more liquid base. If you have a high-speed blender, throw in everything at once.
  2. Optional: top with toppings of your choice.


Happy Sunday Funday!




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FYI: For green smoothie tips, tricks, and recipes, download my FREE green smoothie eBook HERE!



Glad Chivas made it through the worst - hope he's on the mend!

If only she started eating I would be so happy... but they opened up all her intestines so everything is very sensitive.... rest rest rest! Thanks for your comment ;)

How is she doing now?

We just got the sad news the other day from the lab that her cancer is incurable and the only thing we can do now is enjoy her presence and give her as much love as possible. We don't know how long she has left. She is still quite happy right now and feeling ok but once she stops eating or is in pain she will have to go visit the stars :( Sad news but nothing we can do. Time to rid the world of cancer. Feeling hopeful they may have found a vaccine!

#vegansofsteemit sadly I can't source passion fruits very easily in Washington state.

Really? Wish I could send you some. Only $1.5 a kilo here on the market.

Here $10 a kilo.

Oh wow that's expensive. Does it get really cold where you live? Passion fruit is so easy to grow!

Awwww Amy look at the photo of Chivers.Bless her little cotton socks.Must have been awful for use.Atleast the Op is done and fingers crossed a speedy recovery.It is a shame you have to wait 3 weeks for indepth results I hope it will be good news for you.It is better you spend your time with your loved ones.It is so much nicer to have support when your emotionally drained.I bet your smoothie helped though.I actually learnt a new tip from you.When i make a smoothie I just put everything in the blender and can take ages to blitz up.But you put water with spinach so i guess it must loosen the mixture for better blend.Will do that next time.Give chivers our love and keep staying positive!!❤❤❤

Thanks, Pam... big paw from my very strong lady. She is resting and let's hope she will be the same old funny little one in no time.... if you don't have a high-speed blender blending green sand liquid first wi;l avoid lots of unblended greens. Happy blending and thanks for all the love and support! It was a few crazy and emotional days!

Oh poor Chivas! And you and your hubby! How scary, a tumor. We have two cats as well, have always had cats. They are such sweet animal. I do hope Chivas recovers quickly. Love your green smoothie recipe too! Best of times with your family...I'm sure you're ready for a rest! Great post, thanks.

Thanks! It' s been very emotional indeed.... she is part of the family so it hurts to see her struggle... rest, rest and rest and much of love!

Sorry to hear about your furry companion! They do add a wonderful dimension to our lives and trust us to care for them. Too bad she can't have a super smoothie to make it all better. I hope she can stay comfortable and recover.

If only she would drink a smoothie... thanks for your love and support! She is in good hands and we are doing everything we can to get her back to her normal self....

Sending well wishes for a speedy recovery for Chivas. Enjoy your time with your family.

Thanks! Always nice to have family around... so many emotions the past few days. Time to rest and recover!

I wish all the best for Chivas! Hope everything will be fine :)

Thanks... she is a strong one! Rest, love, and lots of care will hopefully put her on her paws in no time!

If I don't have greens at least once a day I crave them. This smoothie sounds so good! Following you for more recipes! I love your profile words :)


Thanks @mininthecity! And I am totally with you... I really need my daily greens or I get a little hangry hehe.

I'm very familiar with hangry. #allthegreenthings

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