in #food7 years ago


How to make Lemon Tart at home. The perfect melt-in-the-mouth dessert: a traditional French lemon tart (Tarte au citron) made with a rich, shortcrust-style pastry. This is a super easy and basic recipe on making lemon tart.

Delicious crisp pastry with a smooth lemon filling. Can be served warm or cold. Lemon tart is a favourite dessert. Making it is quite a lengthy process but relatively simple. You could prepare double the quantity of pastry and freeze half for another dessert, if you wish.


Lemon Tart

225 gr of sweet paste for a 20 cm (8inch) flan ring.
3 eggs
100 gr of double cream
120 gr of castor sugar
2 lemons zested and juiced
15 gr icing sugar ( optional)

Sweet pastry
125 gr soft flour
pinch of salt
30 gr icing sugar
62 gr butter ( cold)
1 egg
5 gr of water or 2tbsp


Step 1: Preheat your oven to 180 C or 350F.
Step 2: Prepare your tin by buttering around the edges, then placing some flour and placing a parchment paper or cartouche.
Step 3: Roll out your pastry into a nice thin crust and place over your flan ring. Poke some holes in a pastry to make sure the pastry doesn't puff up. Add some baking beans or brown rice and place into the fridge for 30 min to rest.
Step 4: Bake the pastry for 20-30 min until its done, check the bottom.
Step 5: Mix eggs and sugar until smooth. Then add lemon juice and zest.
Step 6: Add heated double cream slowly into the egg mixture and mix slowly, you don’t want to have any bubbles in the mixture.
Step 7 : Siv the mixture to get rid of any foam and bubbles.
Step 8: After the pastry is cooked, take out the rice and cook for further 5-10 minutes.
Step 9: Place the lemon filling into the pastry while it is in the oven. Cook for another 15-20 min until the center is wobbly. Do not overcook the lemon tart.
Step 10: Serve with ice cream or icing sugar. Enjoy.






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Snapchat Code : allasyummyfood

All the photography is ORIGINAL AND MINE.

Lots of love,

Alla xox


It is called lecheplan in my country.

Oh really that's cool!

This looks wonderful and sooooo tasty! Can't wait to try the recipe! Upvoted, resteemed!

Oh you will enjoy it for sure :)))

I'm sure I will, it looks so delicious. You have a real talent for baking.

Lemon pie is really good, have you tried "Key lime pie"?
That's also amazing. Anyway, thanks for the recipe.

No I've never tried key lime pie I have to! Have you heard of raspberry pie? Like instead of lemon you would have raspberry filling hahaha


Nice food..lemon tart..look very delicious..

hello @allasyummyfood this looks and sounds yummy! I remember my mom making these when I was a kid, a million years ago. She would make a stiff meringue for the top and brown it in the broiler. Wow how my mouth is watering right now. Recipe saved!

Oh god, I am drooling..

Looking tasty n sweet :)

Looks great! Will definitely try it. Love your posts... your photos have made me hungry...

Aww thanks so much :))) xxxx enjoy

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