
It's great how you experimented with different foods. I borrowed a dehydrator for a while and did sweet potato which was really tasty, but it was a lot of work and I soon lost interest and gave it back.

I am growing sweet potatoes as we speak and will probably try this. Wondering which dish though.

I ate the dried sweet potato as a healthy snack.

I think I have had similar in the market. I will make some, but I also plan on roasting a lot and maybe even turning some into fries by blanching and freezing. I plan to get an air fryer soon.

Those chili flakes look good and it would be handy for the basil. Every put steak in there to make jerkey?

I am not experienced in meats. There is a section in the instruction manual on meats. I want to try tofu and beef. I am not dure how dried beef will taste compated to smoked. I guess I need a good cut. I will also try fruits.

that's 😍😊a splendid idea💡

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