Happy New Year - Christmas Dinner 朋友聚会

in #food8 years ago (edited)

This weekend is very busy, friends married, move new house, every day not home cooking, are in the hotel's banquet, chinese people wedding will choose a good day, Christmas and New Year's Day has become a very important holiday,I hope steemit's friends do not drool:)
这个周末很热闹,朋友结婚,搬新房,每天都没在家里做饭,都是在酒店的宴席, 办喜事都会选好日子,圣诞节和元旦成了一个很重要的节日,今天我带来的是美味的中国菜,希望steemit的朋友们看了不要流口水哦 :)

I briefly introduce the Chinese food,This restaurant offers recipes from China's Hunan and Sichuan dishes, there are many rural food, are Chinese holiday recipes.
我简单介绍下中国菜, 这家餐厅提供的菜谱有中国湖南和四川的菜,也有许多乡村菜,都是中国人过节日的菜谱.

Spicy duck 辣子鸭

Spicy chicken, very spicy 辣子鸡,非常辣

Fresh Fruit Platter, free 水果拼盘,酒店都会免费提供


Sauerkraut 酸菜烧肥肠

Fried cucumber 青炒黄瓜

Red dates stewed chicken 炖鸡

Scallion cake 香葱饼

Beef burned potatoes 牛肉烧土豆

Hope you like!



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