Follow Friday - Steemies you have to follow !

in #followfriday6 years ago (edited)

I haven't done one of these for a while and I just thought we could all do with a change from the tragedy of the trending page and find something new and interesting to feast our eyes on. Being honest, I'm finding a distinct lack of new creators on here recently but here are 5 of my current favourites to take a peek at, each chosen for slightly different reasons.

Welcome to #followfriday.

Firstly, a conspiracy theorist; @deliberator who writes some excellent and well-researched articles aiming to shine the light on miscarriages of justice and high-level cover-ups, aiming to get to the truth. I normally gloss past this kind of stuff and I certainly don't believe his tales but the point is, he's very passionate about his subject, a very nice fella and he is just so bloody readable! Go and have a look why the Freemasons are the world's powermasters here....
Illuminati, freemasons & government. part 1

Ok, now for possibly the longest travelogue I've ever read along with dozens of photos, @beemillz road trip looked amazing. The problem with the UK is it's too small to do epic road trips unlike the US and mainland Europe for instance so I always jealous of others being able to take this sort of trip. Go and see the epic Redwoods here, we'll all need a holiday after we've read it all !!.....
A Trip Through the Redwood Forest

@carneasadafilms is a pretty new member and only has 3 posts to his name but his most recent one really caught my eye. RAW BUKOWSKI (Vol. One) is his account of exchanging correspondence whilst as a struggling journo with none other than Charles Bukowski. Very impressive, and you can tell he's like a proper writer type...anyway, it's another really great read.

Finally, check out @epicdave. He doesn't post often as he's currently in a border town in Turkey trying to help Syrian refugees tidy up their urban refugee camp. A real altruistic he is a self-funded philanthropist who is looking for some funding to help him continue his work. One of lifes truly good guys, he's called Dave and he's fucking epic. See for yourself what life is like for these displaced people in his excellent photo essay.
Life inside an Urban Refugee Camp

I hope you get chance to go show these ladies and gents some love and upvotes and all that remains for me to wish everyone a really safe, happy and healthy weekend.

As always, cheers to @eroche for the graphic delegation :-)

Thanks for dropping by. Your Upvotes and Resteems are gratefully received but your comments and engagement are truly appreciated. Let's keep up the debate. Thank you


Life's not about the hustle. It's all about the humanity


Hey thanks for the shoutout Nathen. I love this Follow Friday idea. Followed!

You're welcome mate. Thanks for a great article :-)

I will definitely go check them out, thank you :o)

thank you Nathen, hugs to you, nothing new here just doing what I do, I stopped blogging about it because no one was reading my most heart felt thoughts except you of course because your that one in a million person that actually cares, I have been trying some different things...trying to find my way on the platform Last couple days been trying out this its new and primitive since dmania demise, but I like it and I have gotten more engagement on there than anywhere so far. Check it out sometime, keep in mind its still new so they will be tweaking it, but maybe it will withstand time! I will check these follow me Friday people out and I will keep you posted on my thoughts.

yessss, its so hard here cos very few people actually read very much and it can be soul destroying that's why most of the bots are now on my Christmas card list lol ;-)
No matter who reads though, I'd still write what you feel though cos it can be like a journal and quite cathartic I guess. You and @shanibeer should connect . I think you're both on similar wavelengths :-)

Thanks Nathen, yes its good to get things down in writing even if no one reads. I am going to check out @shanibeer page. That's funny what you said about the Christmas card list...Lol

Thank you, some interesting writers, looking forward to seeing their posts. Hope you have a good weekend. I've heard the weather is going to be lovely 😊.

It's been a quite beautiful evening thanks! Gardening for me..first Ive done for years, and I actually quitee enjoyed it lol

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Thanks for the shoutout :D. It's most welcomed :D

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