Follow Friday - A SteemFest Addendum

in #followfriday7 years ago (edited)

Here are a few more Steemians worthy of a mention. You could call this a SteemFest addendum as I recently wrote a 4 parter on my experience there.

I mentioned a few people in those posts as that was who I spent most time with or was relevant at the time but a few other characters deserve a shout out. 

@steevc - A great guy and ever present around SteemFest. We had a few chats in passing, a couple of drinks and played a little pool. He’s a good supporter which is always nice around Steemland. He also keeps the wider Steemit community honest - he likes to offer a tip or 2 to the 'less than quality' comments on his posts which is great to see as it helps give people a little push in the right direction ;). 

@bitrocker2020 - I just remembered this guy from one of the GIFs I was in which brought back the memories of playing pool together. Part of the #teammalaysia crew. Go check em’ out!

@pgarcgo & @cervantes - I forgot to mention Pablo’s talk in my first SF post. It was very informative and as a Steemian living in Spain the subject of the Spanish market is definitely of interest to me, although I myself write in English.

@dougkarr - I was sat next to this guy at dinner on the first night of SF. He was also one member of the team who gave an excellent talk about the HardFork film series. 

@exyle - The big man from the Netherlands! This is one of the few people I properly followed early on (and continue to), he makes regular videos on his views on Steemit and the wider crypto/blockchain world, delivered without fanfare, just an honest, personal assessment. We spoke all too briefly at SF but good to meet the guy in person. 

@lloyddavis - One main chat with Lloyd and we seemed to hit it off fairly well. Nice chap and interested to see what he’s about. He mentioned he has been an early adopter of many things over the years, so in his element with this lot!

@siersod - Venezuelan dude, always kicking about with a smile. I was interested to hear in one of the talks about the average salary in Venezuela. Steemit can have (and is having I guess) a huge impact with people there and other places which may have 'poorer' economies. 

@sterlinluxan - Funny guy. We had a few little exchanges and he also gave a very solid talk at SteemFest, on his journey and content creation. 

@luzcypher - Only spoke with this guy a couple of times but he was always around with a smile and an encouraging word. The man behind the #openmic which is another thing to get involved with… can’t let all these other Steemians have all the fun!

@robrigo - I can’t recall if we really spoke at SF but he has popped up a bit on my recent posts, so I want to say a quick thanks for the support and worthy of some support in return. 

@sharingeverybite & @shenanigator - Bright eyed and bushy tailed young couple. Again, we only spoke a couple of times but good luck in Mexico if you make it there. And Español es muy fácil ;)

@sineadoconnor - a quick shout out for Sinead. I’m not sure if she’s even posted yet, so perhaps not much to follow at this stage. However, she is a delightful Irish lady and spoke very positively about Steemit and the overall ‘revolution’ that is taking place. And of course, a great name! It was nice also to speak with someone at the other end of their Steem journey, not just the bigger hitters. 

That’ll do for now - have a great weekend! :)

~ Adam



Forrest Gump : Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.


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