The Dingmaul: Fearsome Critter

in #folklore6 years ago

The Dingmaul is a fearsome criter similar to the ball tailed cat. Also known as the Plinkus, this mythological big cat has a tail twice as long as its body. The end of the long, slender tail is outfitted with a spiky ball.

With this strange tipped tail, the male Dingmauls are said to beat upon their chests to attract mates. The females use the appendage to beat sticks into soft bedding for their young. She will also use the tip of her tail to whack her mate if he should begin to start acting unruly. Both sexes of the creature are known to beat away flies with their tails.

Although the features of this creature are distinctly feline, the Dingmaul is said to have the thick fur of a wolf. Sightings of these beasts have allegedly occurred from New Hampshire to California and everywhere in between.

Image result for dingmaul
image via wikimedia commons

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