Remove and destroy ornaments to avoid dwarfs from coming into our homes

in #folklore8 years ago

Destroy Ornaments

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Before continuing it is very important to point out an observation concerning many Filipino homes. There are homes that actually put some ornaments, like little houses and even dwarf statues in their gardens. Many said that they do this just to have good luck. Some said that they actually put the dwarves ornaments so that just in case dwarves are indeed present in their property they will be friendly to them.

This is not correct! Again, this is not correct! Nothing can be farther from the truth! These dwarves, in whatever form, shape or size they come in, are all demonic spirits meant to harm us. Remember the truth that even satan can take the form of an angel of light if only to deceive us. If you have this in your house, advice is to destroy those ornaments that cater to these demon-dwarves.

Ask forgiveness from the Lord and renounce everything that has to do with caring for dwarves. If you are ready to renounce your association with dwarves, then say a prayer or you can follow this:

Lord Jesus, forgive me for catering to the presence of dwarves. I repent. I rejected it already. Even those things in my home that I bought for the dwarves I also rejected it's effectiveness. From now on, I belong to you completely. I leave no more room for these dwarves. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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