I Have to Move Again..! This Time the Reason is SCARY. Fuck My Life!

in #fml6 years ago

Life has a funny way of trying to knock me down when I'm just starting to get up and back into the groove again. About a week and a half ago I'd noticed a pretty distinct musty smell in my house, mainly in the basement and in my office. Of course didn't think much of it, opened up the windows downstairs and went about my usual business.. Two days ago I noticed a fruiting body of some carpet mould in my office, so I bleached the shit out of it and began looking for more evidence of mould to clean.. What I found has left me in itchy shock..

That, my friends, is a variety of different moulds including the dreaded black mold..

This is one of many spots I found that nearly had me vomiting in my mouth.. Fuck!

On nearly every surface i looked closely at i found some form of mould growing.. needless to say I'm absolutely disgusted and now realize the root of why I've been in a declining state of health the past few months.. My ppor body has been fighting off a plethora of different moulds trying to actively eat it.. Sort of terrifying when you think about it.

The owner and landlord of the house has been informed and has an inspector coming tomorrow. I'm currently writing this post from inside the basement as I go through all my things and throw away or sanitize absolutely everything. Sadly most of my clothes, my bed as well as bedding, some of my documents, bunch of other things and to top it all off my fucking weed had to be thrown away due to being infected or decomposed by one or many mould species. I'm a bit heart broken to be honest and have never seen such an incredibly fast mould bloom like this in my entire life.

Mould or Mold refers to a collection of species that grows multicellular filaments called hyphae.. While a necessary part of the way things exist on this planet can be incredibly dangerous depending on the species.. with many producing harmful spores as a means of reproduction that end up in the air. I identified a few in the house that are extremely toxic or aggressive and theorize that what was attacking my feet and causing my recent illnesses was infact a number of species of mould that are basically trying to eat this house.

The Cost of it All

Between my health failing (and the subsequeint $2000+ hospital bill, fml), having to replace my clothes, bed, other unsalvageable/uncleanable items and the downtime caused by having to deal with all this I'm not even sure how many thousands of dollars this will set me back. The damage and cost of this disgusting experience isn't something I want to dwell on though, I must remain positive as I look for a new place to live and go through my possessions with a fine tooth comb looking for evidence of mould growth. May whatever diety that oversees my life grant me the patience, luck and strength to make it through this unfortunate string of bullshit happenings in my life..

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I am sending @klye 1 SBD to help with the cost of replacing stuff. If you read this you should help out a cool human like @klye with an SBD too!!

Thanks you the man, or woman, or whitchever you wanna be. It's not the amount that matters but the act. You are an awesome people. <3

Same to you positive community member. JK, you effing rock dude!!

You've got spores inside you bruv.

Yep... Sick to admit but I'm actually being eaten by mold as I type this,

I feel your pain and anguish with Mold growth that affected your properties and some of your clothes . I really don't know if the landlord will compensate you on your loss, but my candid advice for you is to park put from that house as fast as you can

I'm hoping that I can find a place ASAP, replace my lost things and get back to work with a regained health.. this has been a nightmare.

Ah dam dude. I guess drawing it MS painting and asking it to be friends is not an option? I can understand the struggle of thinking shit going great and then right in the face you get hit full on with something that takes out down.

Least you found out what it was and are now dealing with it. That black mold crap not something to mess around. I hope you find an amazing place and everything works out in the end.

I hope you get better soon. One of these days/weeks/years its going be fucking amazing time and you might get to joke a little bit about the old days. Rest up and keep fighting!

It's definitely decided to become one with me.. broken out in a few spots on my body which appear to be hyphae of mould... Fuuuuuuck.

Fuck dude I feel sick just reading this. I guess the positive in all this is hopefully soon you'll have a place that is not trying to kill you..

I'm not gonna down play how crappy I feel.. in fact I checked myself into emergency tonight because my fingers, chest, feet and lips seem to be harbingers of a few species of aggressive mould. FML

Good call, have a doc take a look and decide how to attack this. Hoping you caught this early enough! 💪

Eek! Sorry to hear. Hope you get sorted soon.

Thank you.

Shoot yourself if you feel like eating fellow humans, save yourself from turning into them. :P

Well.. I'm starting to turn it feels like.. not good.

Well, have you gone and checked what it is? sounds like you should go to the hospital.

That's horrible sorry to hear this. Hopefully there will be a solution for you that works out and gets you in a even better home or something. good luck, keep the faith <3

I'm basically feeling as if I've been kicked in the teeth by the universe... Oh well... Time to move on and take what remnanats I can with me... :/

Yes it sucks, let's hope it makes place for even better things although it still sucks X sending you some luck right now --> $#$#__&-++&_rhhrhjyjhrhrre 💋

That's a rough break, but you've got this. You have income and assets, and you found out about the problem while there is still time to recover.

It's hard, you've got this!

Thanks lovely... Still cleaning things and throwing stuff out... Then going to douse myself in bleach and gasoline and light myself on fire... Or at least that is what I'd like to do.. XD


I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes!!!!
I can only imagine the level frustration you must be going through..

Take care dear

I'm trying not to have a mental...

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