The Useless Book #flushyourmeds Scott Barry ... ;

The Useless Book ... ;
The Useless Book #flushyourmeds Scott Barry ... ;
by Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;
Scott Alan Barry is a Writer of All Things Fringe ... ;

Firefox data:text/html;,
Code for Sudo Remover...

Code for Sudo Remover Two
sudo -i ; su root ;

chmod -R 000 su-sudo-gksudo-doas-pkexec-
sudoedit-passwd ;

cd /usr/bin/ /usr/sbin!/ /bin! /sbin! ; ; ; ;
twol ;

lofi 4/17/22, 6:19 AM

Scott A.
From Pen to
ASCII ... ;

2 The details on my summation will be question everything and
everyone is brainwashed.

We, America never won the war with The British, America never
won the War of Independence. It was a Freemasonic back-door deal
and mostly had to do with Geography Folks.

Americans are under expert conditioning, very few people
actually knew who George Washington actually was. George Overflew
the Organic Constitution of The United States of America and later on
re-instated the Virginia Colony Crown Corporation. His only rightful
claim to fame as a Fremason was Treason and our Founding Fathers
were Frauds for the Hell of it, everything you were taught, the
opposite is true, rights are imaginary, rights are a carefully crafted

King James was not just famous for writing The King James
Bible but for Signing The First Charter of Virginia in 1606, this
granted that land be stolen from Native Americans. Sixty years later
in 1666 AD we had Cestui Que Vie a story of your enslavement more
enslavement there, America always was and still is a British Crown
Colony Corporation. The Act of 1871 states that America is a
Corporation solely owned by The District of Columbia. The
Constitution and Magna Carta no longer apply, they are as valuable
as a Toilet Paper Roll. All you have is the word “no” and The Fifth
Amendment right to Remain Silent. The Act of 1871 was when
Congress committed Treason and no Communist School will ever tell
you that America or USA is A Corporation IN ALL CAPITALS ...

Communism killed 300+ Million and has Jewish roots and
Jewish Origins. When it comes to Marxism, Karl Marx was a Jew and
had Jewish Parents. Communism and The Dictators is all solely 100%
Jewish in origin.

“The Victors of course they write the history, they write the
history, and they tell us the narrative and we’re supposed to swallow
that bullshit as if it’s true. The real crime of Adolf Hitler was that he
got Germany out of a banking debt, where people were drowning,

3 drowning in debt, Germans Starving, No Jobs, Nothing, and he
had the nerve to actually say Fuck Off to the Banks, and Germany
went from a destitute post world war country into a Prosperous
Wealthy Power House just by using their own Money Supply, That’s
the Real Crime that Adolf Hitler Committed, so Everything we’ve
been taught about World War II and the Holocaust BULLSHIT
BULLSHIT” -Kenneth O’keef (Activist) (YOUR TV = MK)

David Irving on the Six Million Lie Holocaust debunking it in
one single statement : “Well, there are no documents. Not one single
wartime document at Auschwitz Showing a Holocaust of some kind.”

--David Irving (Alternative Historian - Hitler’s War)

“Catalyst to say what has never been said, to see that has never
been seen, to sing, paint, sculpt, act, and do what has never been

--Terence Mckenna (Researcher and Psychedelic Advocate)

Adolf Hitler was not what the Jewish Victors who re-wrote
history to their benefit told you he was, they told you he was a Meth
Addict and a Mad Man, he Fixed The German Economy and got
Germany out of a Banking Debt by using their own Money Supply
and saying ef off to The Jewish Banks. If you haven’t gotten this
already Communism which runs nations down is Jewish in Origin and
Karl Marx had Jewish Parents. The German Swastika flag SVG is a
litmus to peoples brainwashing and expert conditioning, all it is is an
ancient sun wheel that our ancestors have been using for for several
years, it is a symbol of Unity, Peace, Nationalism, Pride, and

Both the Democrat/Republican Parties are Zionist Controlled for
the Jews, The Entire Six Company Mainstream Media is Jewish
owned and run and is Zionist. The Jews control all Political Parties
and the Goyim are to know none of this and to blindly follow orders as
Freemason HOS End of Argument it’s all Jewish Controlled Donald
Trump is Jewish Controlled just like Joe Biden and Clinton and
Reagan and Bush and Obama and FDR and Jews rig all of the
Elections, Presidents are Selected not Elected, Aipac is the Big Jew
super lobby, End of Argument there is no Magic Prophecy Savior ...

4 Aipac is Israel’s Big Super Lobby of Jewish Supremacism,
Chabad-Lubavitch is another Jewish Controller, do not think for a
second that Russia and Ukraine are not Jewish Dominated by
Chabad-Lubavitch, They Actually Are, it’s a Jewish Owned and Run
Everything and the Rabbi Does The Circumcision, Another Cohen
Boy is Born during the Bris Milah Ceremony so do not be so Fuck
Naive, you stupid fucking Monkey Butt Sodomite GOY ...

These Pure Blood Cohen Jews, They are the members of a Jew-
only Secret Society called The B’nai B’rith which is part of the Anti
Defamation League and they go as far as to Criminalize Holocaust
Denial and other forms of Politics deemed Anti-Semitic one of the
most ridiculous forms of censorship you’ve probably have heard of
DERP ... Cohen Boy = Circumcised PP LOL KEK TOP KEK ...

The Rothschilds are Mixed German Jew that Secret Society of
Cohen called B’nai B’rith, Ashkenazi Jews work in Banking inflating
the Fake Money or FIAT Currency through Usury or Quantitative
Easing, (The Federal Reserve is Not A Government, it is a Privately
Owned Institution). We are seeing More and More Inflation now than
ever and our Crooked Politicians, then you have Ron Paul (I don’t
know if a Jew) (Wikileaks Guy Censored Mossad Also Jew), who
wants to Audit The Federal Reserve Bank and Again it is all rigged for
Cohen and Ashkenazi Jews. The Jews all eat at Private Jew-only
Country Clubs with their Matzo Balls, they have more than Six
Passports, When the Goyim or non-Jew only can have Two Passports.
So Basically Cohen Jews control all of the Goys Transportation and
you can travel better and see the Zebras through Telepathy or Remote
Viewing or Psychic Ability as it is called your Brainwave Resonance
State of Consciousness and Mind. They Censor the non-Jews Internet
Service and SIGNALS Intelligence Computer Hacking which effects
MINIX/Redox OS/Windows/Android/iOS/Chrome OS/FreeDOS/MS-
AROS/Plan9/Every Single Operating System you Get Online ...

The Jews Control All of The Search Engines and Even Scrub Off
and Censor The Archivers Archive TODAY/ORG Perma Dot CC ...

5 Jews Make So Much Money Through Cruel and Inhumane
Kosher Executions where Animal Blood is Drained. Jews Completely
Run Hollywood, Not Just Scientology, The Jews Also Run The Porn
Industry, and these Six Media Companies known as The Mainstream
DISNEY, Those Six Media Companies Are All Jewish Owned ...

Jews run Partnership For a Drug Free America and DARE
which funds the Alcohol Companies, when Alcohol is a Drug and Jews
completely run The Holocaust Hoax Industry, Hollywood, Music and
Porn Industry, Sports Entertainment, Shoe Companies...

So The Jews Main Job is to corrupt the Goyim with Filth, Smut,
Degeneracy, Addiction, and Perversion/Pedophilia, Just look at the
fast food industry, or those Pharma Drugs, Jews run Big Pharma and
the Alcohol Companies. We always hear from the Press The Same
Narrative that Israel has the right to defend itself, when they basically
stole Palestine and are Genociding Palestine. Never engage with these
clowns or Brainwashed Goat People Sheep, let the dead bury the dead.
These Jocks and other goat people will just be Drug Addicts thanks to
Jewish Big Pharma and Jewish Alcohol Companies and Jew Porn ...

Religions and Christianity are just another cult and fairy
tale for retarded adults. Martians started the God Myth and
Organized Religion to control mankind and they use “wild” humans
as Sex Slaves. We know the Earth by Science to be Roughly Six Billion
Years Old Period. All of the outlandish claims in The Bible or The
Talmud/Torah are not based on Science, Logic, or Reason.

There is no Historical Evidence for Jesus and those Magical
Claims not based on Science or Reason or even Logic. So End of
Argument. We already have Carbon and Radiometric Dating, we can
tell how old a Rock is with Science ... No need for useless cult crap
that stalks people who leave or dis-fellowships shuns/mobs/attacks
people who leave ... Seriously The Earth is Now FUBAR / AC...


6 New Koveking Urban Dictionary Mug With Citricare
Vim&Vigor 30 Drops of that in 30 PPM Tap Water ...

Koveking is when Jews Conspire to Do Something, When
Zionists Conspire. Archive > Details > Jews Koveking ...

Charles Manson’s Era was that of Bing Crosby, he was not a
teenybopper or a hippie he was not of the 60’s he was before all that
and before IMP’s/Bios/Mainframes/Subnet Masking/Grep/Unix ...

Charles Manson was Falsely Convicted for crimes he did not
commit and imprisoned for life for crimes he did not commit and
experimented on during the CIA’s Project MK-Ultra ...

Religious Psychosis Produced Delusions are no Different to those
Produced by Schizophrenia, All are False Beliefs, God Belief is a Brain
Disease. Or You Could Just Say :

Religion is a Fairy Tale For Retarded Adults.
Or You Could Just Say :

Religion is a Cult and Form of Brainwashing.
Religion is a Fairy Tale Period.

Who are the Globalists who operate through the Torah and
Babylonian Talmud : The Ashkenazi Jews are the Rothschild Bankers
who do Quantitative Easing and Usury of Fake Money Currency.

Cohen Jews are Circumcised to Maintain Pure Blood.

The Cohen Pure Blood Jews are of the Secret Society called The
B’nai B’rith of Anti Defamation League of ADL, Then we have
AIPAC, Chabad-Lubavitch, The Council on Foreign Relations or CFR
Dot Org which was started as The Illuminati on May 1, 1776 and they
all want the Goyim to Own Nothing in the End of Times and for the
Jews to take over the Amalek or non-Jew and David to be King of the
world and for Palestine to be Massacred by Genocide into Israel ...

Ovadia Yosef once said : The only purpose of a non-Jew is to
Serve Other Jews and Suffer as we sit like an Effendi and Eat ...

7 No Human Actually Knows what happens when Humans die, I
was just told that God, Satan, Heaven, Hell, Angels, Demons were all
Imaginary Fairy Tales and that you just become a Telepathic Ghost
that sees People, Events, Things in every segment of Space-Time and
knows when people will die, where they will die, how they will die, so
you are Telepathic and in a human-like form when you materialize
into what looks like a person, no Human can comprehend
Telepathically Viewing every Segment of Time, so no one knows and
Religions are all Bull Shit Cults that pay no taxes and Make Trillions
of Dollars for a Bunch of Fucking Cohen Jews and Religions are all
Cults designed to Control People Period End OF DEBATE ...

I believe in the right to death with dignity as a non-partisan,
Government and State Power is too big and same applies with The
Patriot Act and the Invention of Modern Computers that Have Subnet
Masking Network Capabilities “I want to be left alone” “Just say no”
is a Small Government Minarchist Principle ...

There’s that Mind Control MK-Ultra CIA term Freemason HO
or Order follower ...

Freemasonry is :


95% of Cops, Sheriff’s Department, Organized Stalking, Citizens
on Patrol and of Course the Government and they all offer Meth and
Abuse Meth and Steroids Heavily and those Two Things are Illegal ...

Freemasonry is Part of the Government for Pecking Order
Order Following HOS or as the CIA MK-Ultra term shows Freemason
is a Order Following HO who is Sworn to Secrecy or else Killed ...

I guess Disembowelment or Freemason Blood Sacrifice is
Just Another Joke I Made into a Browser Exploit on Flushyourmeds
Dot Com which is on Archivetoday and Archiveorg Perma*cc ...

95% of Government is New Age BS and Religious Cults!
New Age Bull Shit and Social Sciences are Pure Quack!
You got Astrology and Astrotheology in Those Books ...
It’s all New Age Bull Shit and Nonsense Basically ...

The Fifth Amendment or Right to Remain Silent is the only thing
you have along with not using your Strawman in ALL CAPS and
requesting an SF-24 Bid Bond, Posting A Bond, UCC-1, UCC is
Uniform Commercial Code, It’s how all Businesses Operate and All
Crimes are Commercial and have a Bond Price in Money on Them ...
All you have is Nothing in a Cestui Que Vie System Period Period ...

Don’t be stupid, get that smirk off your face, calm, cool,
collected, never ever react or else be ward of state and Fucked ...
Enjoy that Database Management Software Spill-man
Flex/Priers Motorolla/Imperva All Slavery FOR UCC CODE ...

The ranger ran in My ID because I made a Stupid ...

Psychiatry/Psychology and Big Pharma are Both Jewish ...

These Stalkers want a reaction to make up rumors and lies about
you just like the Communist Antifa on the Left is Doing that Too ...

They want a reaction to get you detained or have you detained,
medicated on Quack Psychiatry Poison Drugs of Jewish Big Pharma
and Jewish Psychiatrists were the first to Lobotomize Holocaust
Deniers and have Holocaust Denial or Differing Politics as a Mental
IlIness or even Having Certain Political Views as a Mental Illness
other Jewish Supremacists outside of Jewish Psychiatry Made
Holocaust Denial not only illegal, but a Capital Offense resulting in
The Death Penalty, Especially During the Bolshevik Revolution ...

I’m Brain Damaged and I cannot drive, I may consider Suicide,
of course, same shit. Big Pharma and Psychiatry a Quack Profession
not based on any Science Whatsoever Especially The Psychiatric Drug
Part are Both Jewish and Psychiatric Drugs Just Cause Brain
Damage, A certain kind of Sexual Dysfunction is Just Brain Damage
and it impairs my ability to use Tools and Operate STEM Machinery
... This shit will destroy your career after you get Brain Damage ...
Psych Drugs are just Poison and Dopamine Antagonists which inhibit
Serotonin and Dopamine, Increase Disease and C-Reactive Proteins as
well as Increase Prolactin Levels which then means More Disease and
Higher C-Reactive Protein Levels, You will notice Fasting Reverses
this, that’s Big Pharma’s Secret Fasting Lowers C-Reactive
Proteins ...

9 Holocaust Denial was a Mental Illness at one time, so even
questioning history in their New DSM-Five Book of Pedophilia ...

It is an Anti European Anti Non-Jew Anti White Agenda and is
based on Jewish Big Pharma There is No Science of Any Kind to
Psychiatry or Psychiatric Drugging of Antipsychotics and
Antidepressants plus the Older Drugs Caused Movement Disorders
Akathesia, Tardive Dyskenesia, Blindness, Hearing Loss, So Many
Disabilities, it crippled people into Drooling Vegetables it’s all Fraud
and Quackery and The is no Real Science Involved in Psychiatry ...

Haldol caused Blindness at High Doses and Shrinks Deny ...

How I do Computing — Used to run Kubuntu 32 Bit and Puppy
Linux BIONIC as ISO9660FS on Ze Eee PC 1005 HAB / 900A / MSI
Wind with Artix Linux on Dell Inspiron 11 Blue also on IBM / Lenovo
T61/T60 ... Now I run Calculate Linux, Kubuntu, Manjaro, KDE
Neon, Skywave Linux, Puppy Linux Bionic, Eset SustemRescue on
Ram Disk with Ventoy an EXT4 and 8GB Swap Spoof My Mac
Address (Media Access Control) To F4/Random Set DNS to 456012
and install Ublock Origin and Privacy Badger All On Ram Disk
Mitigate Everything and Have Battery Backup if Power Quits ...

On The T400/T420 Lenovo IBM Piece w BIOS PW Lock ...

Fuck Israel! Fuck The Mossad! Fuck Zionism! Fuck The
Talmud! Fuck The Bible! The Talmud is a Book of Jewish Supremacy
and So is The Torah and The Talmud States: A Jew is allowed to Steal
Anything From a non-Jew, If a non-Jew hits a Jew that Amalek/Goy
must be killed, a mockery of Jesus, The Bible is also Zionism ...

Just Read The Talmud and See For Yourself ...

Hanukkah is a Jewish Supremacist Holiday celebrating the
Massacre, Genocide, and Killings of Greeks and other White
Europeans, in that holiday it is totally Jewish Supremacist!

And Christmas is another Zionist Tool to Pacify the Goyim ...
The Bible and Talmud are Just Zionist Mind Control Tools ...

In front of me : Hitler’s War — David Irving / I fail at life — Scott
Barry / Behold a Pale Horse William Cooper / Technological Slavery ;

10 “I wanted to become an Artist, but certainly not a Civil Servant.”
--Adolf Hitler Mien Kampf ...

The Jewish Victors have been re-writing history and cramming
bullshit in our heads about World War II that is Fake, A Farse, and
Not True ...

The Freemasonic Sheriff’s Department not only does organized
stalking, but abuses steroids and meth. You can get steroids which are
illegal through the Sheriff’s Department End of Argument ...

“Remote Viewing is the telepathic tool they use to see what you
are doing, saying, and thinking, Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) is
used to do all of the Organized Stalking. There is not much tech
involved in this at a practical level” —Immanuel Gold-stein ...

Embedded and Ram Disk Linux/BSD Kernels are More Secure
and so are Virtualized/Hardened ones and Usually they are All Three
... Derpity Derp Derp Derp Derp Point of Sale My Asshole ...

Affidavit : Name : John/Jane Henry/Ronald Doe Company :
Flush Your Meds or N/A Number : 253-555-5555 Address : 9999
Homeless St Seattle Washington USA +1 Code ... Ctrl+U+F to Steal
all Web Content Like a Fucking Retard aka Bandcamp ...

The Magic Mac Address : F4:F4:F4:F4:F4:F4 ...

Ublock Origin and Privacy Badger and Linux/Ventoy ...

The Magic DNS Address : 45601*2 ...

The Pentagram Number : 0.9536 or 144/151 Makes Pentagram

Sudo Remover : “sudo -i” “su root” “cd /usr/bin/ /usr/sbin/
/bin/ /sbin/” “chmod -R 000” “.sh” “bash” “linux/unix/bsd”
“su sudo gksudo does passwd sudoedit cupsd ipp cups bluetoothd
bluetooth ssh-agent ssh avahi avahi-daemon other” ...

Technological Slavery / The Jesus Hoax / David Skrbina ...
Council on Foreign Relations which is a offshoot of the Bavarian
Illuminati there are about 30 Illuminati Organizations World Wide

11 the CFR Dot Org One is The American United States One, The
Tiluminati or ILLUMICORP was founded on Mayday May 1, 1776 as
The Bavarian Illuminati in Germany by some Kikes or Whatever ...

Well the Cohen Jews pure blood of B’nai B’rith run Everything
and it is a Jew World Order not a New World Order it is The Jews
Pushing the Holocaust Lie of Supposedly Six Million Less Jews when
we know there are no Wartime Auschwitz Documents of a Single Six
Million Kabbalah Holocaust that Push to Play The Victim when they
the Jews Have Infiltrated the Banks and Society with Quantitative
Easing Usury of Fake Money FIAT Currency and
Communism/Marxism/Bolshevism which in turn Killed 300+ Million
Non Jews Germans, Russians, Europeans, Ukrainians, Everyone ...

Every other European White Person was killed in the Name of
Jewish Communism and the Holocaust is No Wartime Documents
Found at Auschwitz and Even David Irving I give credit to as a Bad
Goy anyways writing my book sucks as these freaking Zionist People
want to control and Organized Stalk Me Non-stop through Campaigns
of useless trivial Passive-aggressive shit like just now Windows
Computer had to static Discharge it, because of a Family Member ...

Psychotronic Mind Control Shit Just Fucked with Mind P. 11...

“Prayer is a form of Mental Illness , Religion is Mind Control.”

--George Carlin

Remote Neural Monitoring Was Fucking with My Mind Here ...

“All Governments are Liars, Traitors, Murders, and Scum.”

--Bill Hicks who supposedly MKULTRA to Alex Jones ...

A Shill PI told me The WACO Siege was “Totally Ethical” WTF?

I forgot to add this and got V2K, Directed Energy Weapons,

Psychotronics, Mind Control, Remote Viewers and Stalking ...

Fuck Israel! Zionism is Cancer! Israel is not the Holy Land!

God is Imaginary! Religion is a Cult! God is a Fairy Tale! ...

Fasting Lowers C-Reactive Proteins Eliminating All Disease ...

I have made it clear with absolute 100% certainty that 9-11 was a
Mossad Operation and that Israel did the September 11, 2001 Attacks.

V2K is Voice to Skull and it makes us Sound as Junkies ...

World Trade Center 7 was not hit by a Plane, it was wired for
controlled demolition, therefore all towers were wired for controlled
demolition ... Israel did it, first you have disbelief, then you have rage.

12 They the Jews want that to happen. The Sheep died in a
Meaningless war for Opium Poppies and actually believed that Al
Qaeda did 9-11, when The Mossad Actually Did it and Rabbis were
Celebrating and Dancing During the 9-11 Attacks in New York ...

The toppling of the Saddam Hussein Statue was a Rigged Staged
PSYOP for the Donald Rumsfeld Administration and also I avoid The
TV / Television and Local Radio, because The Six Jewish Media
Companies are all Propaganda and All Jewish Based/Owned/Run ...


The Alcohol Companies are Jewish, Partnership for a Drug Free
America is Jewish, PDFA Funds the Alcohol Companies, Big Pharma
is Jewish, Psychiatry is Jewish, Vaccines that Cause Autism are Jewish
Based, Sports Industry is Jewish, Hollywood is Jewish, Porn Industry
is Jewish, Music Industry Is Jewish, Six Inc or Mainstream Media
Your TV and Radio are Jewish, Communism/Marxism is and Was
Jewish and Karl Marx had Jewish Parents as this Shows Here ...

Many Self Publishers such as Blurb, Lulu, KDP are Jewish, All
Banking is Ashkenazi Jewish and operates through Fake Money FIAT
Currency inflation usury Quantitative Easing and Fraud, Big Tech
Including Google, Cannoncial, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter,
Instagram, Yandex, Baidu, Every Other Search Engine yep still all
Jewish, They control all Search Engines and The Surface Web
Internet and everything on it, The Press and Archivers are all Jew
Controlled and Scrubbed off For Bad Goyim Content Sure ...

The Pentagram 144/151 or 0.9536 of Circle Diameter ...
The God Tone is 963 Sine Wave Tilda ~ ...

Do This in Linux or Audacity ...

“speaker-test -t sine -f 936 -1 100000000 ;”

in Audacity 0.5 24K/24K mono MP3 56 Minutes ...

George Washington not only was known for Committing Treason
as our Founding Fathers were actually just frauds is all he was also
another Crooked Freemason who swore on oath to secrecy or face
Decapitation or Disembowelment (Freemason Blood Sacrifice) ...

We Americans are under Expert Conditioning and America is a
British Crown Colony Corporation, rights are imaginary, the
holocaust is a hoax, 9-11 was a Mossad Operation Period ...

The Mossad is a Terrorist Shell Organization that does all of the
False Flag Terrorist Attacks such as JEK, USS Liberty, 9-11 ...

The Mainstream Media then blames somebody else such as an
imaginary Fictitious Boogeyman that doesn’t exist such as Saddam
Hussein or Al Qaeda which The Statue Toppling of Saddam was a
Staged PSYOP for Political Theatre during the Donald Rumsfeld
Administration ... It’s all MK-Ultra CIA Mockingbird Control ...

It’s basically Mind Control or Coercive Persuasion basically ...

Then we later have endless meaningless wars over some Opium
Poppies or Gold Bar Distribution or Torture of Random Foreigners
who are are not the bad guy, but the conditioning and brainwashing
makes them think otherwise, Over 3 Million Dead in Iraq ...

Both Democrats and Republicans are The Same Zionist Coin ...

Compunctions, Wars, Inflation, Poverty, Propaganda, Famine,
Death, Genocide, Chaos, Pollution, Bloodshed, more senseless
Barbarism for the Stupid Goyim to Follow Israel’s Propaganda ...

17 oz Latte Mug Auto Urine Therapy Ceramic Mug.

Distilled Ozonated Water and Fasting not Vaccines or Pharma ...

Citricare Vim& Vigor Grape Fruit Seed Extract 30 Drops of

Citrus, glass of Water or H2O Distilled, 12/17 oz 2 Tblsp Oregano
or Thyme, Apple Pectin 5 Grams in a Smoothie or Shake, Baking Soda
or Sodium Bicarbonate as 1 TSP, Monaural Beats : Whole Being
Regeneration Monaural Beats, 126 Sine w 128 Sine as 0.5 Audacity
save 24K/24K 56 Minutes, Colostrum a Whole Jar, A whole Bottle of
Probiotics, 12 oz of Water, get a blender to blend, Surthrival Powder
Yellow Colostrum Cat’s Claw 4 Pills Daily, Liposomal Vitamin C,
Sardines, Meat not That Veganism Bull Shit and Fasting of Course ...

14 Magnesium and Multi Electrolyte Supplements. MSM
Supplement, Wheat Grass, Matcha Green Tea, Blue Green Algae,
Lemon Grass, Lemons and Lime in Distilled Water, Ozonated Water
of Course, Chaga Mushrooms, Reishi Mushrooms, Bulgarian Yogurt,
Indian Colostrum Yogurt, Any Yogurt Period, Prunes and Fibre
Gummies, Earthing Bare Foot, Sun Gazing During Sunrise or Sunset,
Stop using a Microwave Oven it kills water and plants too and kills
you too, unless you want to get drunk on Vodka Death w Dignity ...

Alien Characters are superior, because No Binary Instruction
Period, One-Time Pads A-Z,0-10SP*Random2or3 RANDOM ...

If you rinse off the Apple and cut the Apple in Half and eat the
seeds and eat the whole apple like a dumb coon you get more nutrition
Derpity Derp Derp who would have known You APPLE Man Coon ...

Distilled Water is the only water you should be Drinking ...
Veganism is Communist Liberal Cancer and Meat is Awesome ...
I have actually Astral Projected and Plastic is a Eugenics Tool ...
I met a bunch of Highly Telepathic People on Astral Travel ...

Kohen Jews Maintain their Racial Purity through Circumcision
Or A Brish also known as Brit Milah or Bris Milah where the Rabbi
Sucks the Blood out of the Babies penis After Removing the Foreskin.

Rabbis are Commonly known Excused Pedophiles who get to go
to Tel Aviv Israel if they molest another Jew or Gentile and they
probably do have PTHC/ Child Porn on Their Hard Drive (Lolita) ...

Freemasonry to me seems like a Waste of Time, sure there is
charity and some good aspects, Then you have Freemasons who are
Government, Steroid, and Meth Abusers who Stalk/Harass ...

The Order of Nine Angles is decent in The Sinister Tradition O9A
Dot Org in that it Rejects “Jewish Kabbalah” identifies as “Truely
Satanic” and rejects “All Jewry” of Any Kind Which I like a lot ...

Plus their MP3 Music by Chistos Beest on Their Parent
Directory on Their Website is Quite Decent as I was doing the Stupid
Parent Directory Index of you get anything bad or illegal too ...

15 The Satanic Group O9A is Decent that it is Anti Zionism , Anti
Jewry , better than others without the nasty contamination of Zionism
and without the nasty Zionist Aspects even Tarl Warwick Approves ...

Nothing New!!! Cohen Jews Literally Are The Scum of The
Earth and Cohen based B’nai B’rith is literally the Scum
Organization of The Earth.

Life is Shit, Then you die, then you’re a Telepathic Ghost, then
you die again, then some other shit and you see life as a BS Comedy ...

The Dead Milkmen - Life is Shit ...

Life is shit, Life is shit, the World is shit, the World is shit, this is
Life as I know it, this is Life as I know it, this is Life as I know it, this
is Life as I know it, this is Life as I know it ... Gonna Beat My Wife ...

The Dead Milkmen -— Life is Shit ...

Go Read : The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion in
Modern English / Mien Kampf Adolf Hitler ..

Fasting and Baking Soda Sodium Bicarbonate Water Ph ...

Lowering C-Reactive Protein through Fasting Cures Cancer and
Big Pharma is Only About Competition and Lies Vaccines Cause The
Tism and Autism Spectrum Disorders, That’s why we’re Fucked ...

Everything in Business is Uniform Commercial Code all Crimes
are Commercial and have Monetary Bonds Attached to Them ...

It is Normal to be Heterosexual, White, and Straight, it is NOT
normal to be gay or weird, the Jews are Pushing LGBTQPCIA and
Pedophilia ... MK-Ultra / CIA is Alive and Well in 2022 AD ...

COINTELPRO of FBI is Going on Now under new Code N ...

“FBI Crime Statistics Show that Black Men are Nine Times
More Likely to Commit Gun Violence Than White People”

--Jared Taylor ( American Renaissance ) ...

It is Okay To Be White, Fuck Israel, Zionism is Cancer, Israel is a
Cancer Land and Palestine was The Original Land ( Genocide ) ...

16 Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles!!! Hate Speech is Free!!!
Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles!!! Hate Speech is Free!!!
14 Words , 88 NSM, C-18 , Combat 18 , The White Race is The

Master Race!!! Gott Mit Uns! Sieg Heil! Heil Hitler! Kill a Coon!!!
The Babylonian Talmud and Torah are Books of Jewish

Supremacy and Jewish Supremacism and Globalism and Zionism ...

Hanukkah is about The Celebration of The Greed and European
Massacre Genocide it is an Anti European Anti White Holiday ...

In countering Propaganda we shall say Satan Loves You, The
Church Hates You or if you Reject That God is Just Imaginary and
Religion and Christianity is just Zionist Jewish Crap not based on
Science, Logic, or Any Reasoning of Any, The is no Scientific Method
that can prove the outlandish claims of a Cult Organized Religion ...

Martains and Cohen Jews Just Started God Call them The May
1, 1776 Bavarian Illuminati or Council on Foreign Relations they
started that God Myth to Pacify The Goyim to a world where they
could push Zionist Cancer on Everyone and Replace Palestine With
Israel Through Irrational Genocide , Because The Talmud Says ...

So anyways God is Just Imaginary and not based on any Science,
Logic, or Reasoning of any Kind, and you can use The Scientific
Method to Debunk any Religious, Talmudic, or Biblical Scripture ...

File Your 1099 OID A*B, File a UCC-1, Open A Treasury Direct
Account, Become Self Employed, or get a Job if you can’t do shit,
Be you’re own boss, have multiple sources of income on your 1099
Form, get you shitty life skills in order, Freeze your credit if needed,
STEM is where all the jobs are High Paying and Non-Stem pays the
least of any of the Professions as this shit show continues on ...

Be Your Own Boss, Have Multiple Leads of Residual or Passive
Income, I literally may even Suicide if I have to Oh Fuck Well ...

We all know College equals Student Loan Debt and Military
Better and so is Trade School and so is a Better Accredited Thing ...

“All of them Colleges we’ve been buildin’ are takin’ people the
other way. The Smartest People in the World are really the Most Cut
Off.” -Charles Manson Falsely Imprisoned For Life Over Shit ...

17 Light Emitting Diode / Fluorescent / Mercury / LCD / Blue Light
is all un-natural Light, Candles, Open The Window, Get a Zig Zag
Long Wire Vintage Yellow Edison Light Bulb, or Another Thick Wire
Yellow Edison Light / Blue Light Filter : Iris Mini and Redshift ...

Puppy Linux Bionic has Redshift Pre Installed and is Light ...

“All those Cardboard Houses, and Tin Can Cars, Those
Diamond Rings are all The Same, you sit there and you wonder, you
wonder who is to blame”

--Charles Manson Falsely Imprisoned Over Made Up Claims ...

528 Hz ~ Sine is Nothing 963 Hz ~ Sine is Tue God ...

963 Hz ~ has so many uses to restructure everything and do so
much Obnoxious New Age Bull Shit Energy Work Potato ...

963 Sine Wave Solfeggio Tone in Plain Sight ...

Write 1-9 in Sets of Threes and get 963 It Is God ...

There is the Jewish Kabbalah Shit of 666/567/1134 ...
Then there is 6 60 degree angles six holes 120VAC 60 Hz
Two Ports 120/2 is 60 and whole bunch of Fucking Sixes ...

2 or 3 for this One-Time Pad alternative ...

A-Z Random 3

0-10 Random 3

*/sp/other Random 3 Alternative to Ze One-Time Pad ...

Alien Characters are still superior to One-Time Pads, because
Latin is Base 8 Binary Instructions and Alien Characters use NO
Binary At All Period End of FUCKING ARGUMENT PERIOD ...

Veracrypt works better than Luks as Hidden Stenographic File
systems all Pedophiles use it on Linux/FreeBSD with 7z Encryption ...

Making a NOP character 90 in Hex or “echo -ne “\x90” ;” ...

Null is “\x00” and There are all these Diacritics and Crap ...

Fucking Pokemon For Fuck Sake a Guy Quoted it at my
Retarded Graduation and I still have False Memory Syndrome ...

18 The Sheriff’s Department consists of Freemasons, they do all of
the Organized Stalking, because they have all The “Tools” They all
abuse Steroids and Meth and you can get Steroids an illegal Substance
through the Corrupt Sheriff’s Department , Exposing Freemasons gets
you killed, you know Exposing Zionism and Jewry also gets killed ...

In Audacity Pink Noise 0.5 , 963 Sine Tone 0.5 , 7.831 Square 0.5
as MP3 56 Minutes 24K/24K (cancel-psychotronic-mind-
control.mp3) ..

T use to Sun Gaze Barefoot on Sunrise and Sunset Laptop Closed
now facing a Window Writing My Book, no blue light here ...

EMF Blanket 12x12 Wood Aluminum Duck Tape Vinyl Print
Metal print and Rayguard found on Humanfirewall*com SCAM ...

For Affidavits and Shit and Remote Viewing, You get a Black or
Blue Ballpoint Pen Face Window or Towards Yellow Long Wire
Vintage Edisons. We know that Blue Light and Psychotronic
Computers, Does not Matter What OS you are on, The Mind Control
is at the BIOS and Bootlock Level and HW HAL Level, The TV and
Radio Do The Same Fucking Thing, Had am AM Radio Make a Ghost
Say BOO!! , Some Demon Voice Crap When Running Crappy
Windows , That’s why I Switched to Linux , Less Psychotronic Crap
... TV Radio Computer All Psychotronic Ouija Boards FOR MK ...

Before Computers, Subnet Masking, IMP’s, Mainframes, The
BIOS, UEFI, Secure Boot, Operating Systems, Tubes/Relays,
Rooms/ROMS, Television, Technicolor, Bugs Bunny, Radio ...

We had The Church, Book Burning, Burning People at the Stake,
Organized Religion, and God Myth to Mind Control the illiterate,
destitute, non-Jew Goyim and it totally Worked Completely ...

Now we just have a Little More Privileges and Technocracy ...

There is no Meritocracy , Meritocracy is a Fantasy DerpDerp ...

Now we have Technocracy Thanks to Subnet Masking and Now
we have Ashkenazi Rothschild Jews doing Usury, Quantitative Easing
of Fake Money FIAT Currency at The Bank, Council of 300...

19 The #BDSMovement

The BDS Movement is the Boycott Divestment Sanctions
Movement to Prevent Israel from basically Genociding and erasing
Palestine, The Belief in God just causes conflicts, Senseless Wars ...

So all non-Jews or Goys / Goyim are considered Amalek or Not
Needed Waste Product, (Their Talmud says to steal from non-Jews) ...
They are Jewish Supremacists who run the Press, Banks, and World
Economy, Goys shall serve is what they always say and they control all
Political Parties Democrat/Republican/Libertarian The Talmud is a
Book of Globalism and Zionism and So The Organizations of CFR
Dot Org and ADL Dot Org and SPLC Dot Org are Primarily Zionist
and Globalist as so is The Tavistock Institute and Unesco / UN ...
Council on Foreign Relations, Anti Defamation League, Southern
Poverty Law Center, AIPAC, Tavistock Institute, Unesco, Government
of Scotland, Girfec, Bill and Melinda Gates, United Nations all ...

How to sell a New Age Scam like Amway to The Idiot Goyim :
Purple Energy Plate FineartAmerica*com

JEW RAYS / Flushyourmedscom / Archivetoday / Archiveorg
Permacc / Archivetoday/SNGU4 Flushyourmedsnethouseru
Flushyourmedsmy-freewebsite Flushyourmedsexblog*jp ...

Shit List : The Holocaust is a Hoax! We, America never won the
War of Independence with the British and we were always in slavery!
Israel is a Cancer Land Tel Aviv is a Safe Haven For Pedophiles!
The Founding Fathers Were Frauds! Martians and Cohen Jews
Control The Earth! America Always Was and Still is A British Crown
Colony Corporation! 95% of Governments/Cops are Freemasons and
Religious Cults! Six Million Jews My ASS! The Swastika is an Ancient
Sun Wheel, of Peace, Solidarity, Nationalism, and Unity! George
Washington Committed Treason and Was a Freemason Politician!
Adolf Hitler got Germany out of a Banking Debt Fixing the German
Economy and Those Fucking Jewish Victors Lied About WWII!
The Constitution and Magna Carta are Worthless Documents worth
as much as a Toilet Paper Roll and Rights are Imaginary and Rights
are a Carefully Crafted illusion Look: Japanese Internment Camps ...

20 God, Satan, Heaven, and Hell are all imaginary, When Humans
die they become Telepathic Ghosts that see every segment of Space-
Time ... Communism is and was Jewish and killed more than 300
Million White People aka Europeans, Russians, and Germans, Adolf
Hitler Deported those Communist Usurious Jews on a Train and Fixed
the German Economy getting Germany out of a Banking debt ...

Gott Mit Uns! Combat 18 / 14 Words / 88 NSM Records ...

Sieg Heil! Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles!

1488 / White Power / It’s Okay To Be White! / White Pride!

Pi : 3.14159 Golden-Ratio : 1 : 1.6180339 ...
Phi : 1.6180339 Pentagram/Circle : 0.9536 or 144/151 ...
Logos / Ethos / Pathos / Principle and Philosophy ...

“echo “$SRANDOM144151 is True Random” ;”

I always run Linux on RAM Disk, Disable Bluetooth in BIOS ,
Set BIOS PW Lock, Disable Webcam, Ventoy to SSD, 8 GB Swap with
Ext4, Mac Address as : £4f4£4£4f4f4/Random DNS as : 456012
Mute the Microphone, Ublock Origin, Privacy Badger, that’s it ...

These other Stalkers waste their time on Social Media and to
their Stupid Fucking Script Kiddie Sonic Furry Fag Shit PERIOD!!!

Bush JR and SR, Obama, Ronald Wilson Reagan 666, Clinton,
Trump, Biden, Other all fucking sold out to Jews, Israel, AIPAC,
Zionism, Jewry, Freemasonry, and other Useless Rigged Shit ...

The whole Thing is Fucking Rigged for The Mossad “The
Terrorist Shell Company Shell Organization” AIPAC Lobby, Mini
AIPAC Lobbies, Israel, Tel Aviv Safe Haven for Pedophile Jews such
as Rabbis That All Eat Dick and make Sick Mentos PTHC PORN ...

Zionism and Cohen Jews of the ADL B’nai B’rith Anti
Defamation League Get it to your Fucking Head , All Rigged ...

Go To : Bitchutecom / Odyseecom / Dtube / Archiveorg

Archivetoday / Altcensoredcom / Yandex*com > Search >

Know More News Adam Green, Alfred Schaefer, Ken Okeef,
David Duke, David Irving, Mark Collett, Brother Nathanael ...

The Whole Thing is about Mind Control, Information Control
and Censorship, In order to Do Mind Control, you have to Censor The
Internet and that’s what the Fucking Zionists are Fucking Doing ...

My D*tube Channels : @invalid01-20 / 322 / 666 / 963 ... ;

Theodore John Kaczynski The Unabomber wrote Technological
Slavery and Subnet Masking of /24 .255 as the Broadcaster shows us
we have a Modern Technocracy Dictatorship and America=CORP ...

This Idiotic Post Punk Generation grew up with these 3
Processor Architectures and was born after Subnet Masking and
Technocracy also known as Idiocracy they Eight Year Olds had Dial
Up and Internet Shit Already : i686 / 386 / x86_x64

With the 80’s and 70’s kids there were IMP’s the size of a
Refrigerator connected to Mainframes and there was no Subnet
Masking and they were not pushing Sodomy Sex Ed on Young
Elementary Schoolers Like They are Now ...

The United Nations who suppresses Distilled Water is utilizing
this Technocracy for bad intentions AKA Agenda 21 Dysgenics ...

22 Agenda 21 Eugenics/Dysgenics is of course Population Control ,
we also used to Control the Corn and Bread to Control the

Population , Also The New Computers have UEFI and Secure Boot to
Lock you into Eugenics MKULTRA CIA Windows or CIA MAC OS
instead of using Linux, Minix, Redox OS, FreeBSD, Haiku/Be OS, like
you can on a Legacy BIOS, That’s why I still have a Legacy BIOS and
a Lenovo IBM t400/t420 which can run both Linux and FreeBSD
without the Technocracy and locked in Hardware of Jewish UEFI
which by the Way has Mossad Back-door For NSA Signals
Intelligence and other Hackers or even Script Kiddies to Access YOU ;

FICO is BS / Income / Expenses / Assets / Liability ...
Robert Kiyosaki is Your Financial Guidance ...
Corn/Soy/Gluten/Sugar/Wheat/Flour/All Cause Cancer!!!

These Freemasons, Citizens on Patrol, Antifa, and Others Get
Around Your BIOS Password and Luks Password with an Embedded
Device and unlock every Lock you have with “tools” such as a Plastic
Piece and a Fucking Comb Pick, Use Veracrypt with Linux Instead for
Hidden Stenographic File-systems with 7zip Encrypts That’s what the
Pedophile Government Does to Store all their Disgusting Sonic PTHC
Child Porn Lolita Gang Rape of Babies Videos that Warp your Mind
Including some Disgusting Rape and Snuff Films With it also ...

Voyeuristic Gamer / Furry / Sonic /Commentary Fag / Script
Kiddies who waste their time on Social Media and Look at Porn All
Day and the Gamer Commentary Fag Jock Communities” ...

They are all Not Based , They are all Blue Pilled , Cucks who
serve Zionist Israel and Believe in The Fake Holocaust, They Serve the
CIA, The FBI , The Mossad , GCHQ, The NSA/DIA/DOD State ...

Spasiba Means Gratitude in Russian ... We’ve all Heard
Patschstalone Betchsky / The Mail Man Shot The Teller Postal ...

Synchronize Brainwaves with Monaural Beats Audacity to
counter Psychotronic Mind Control 126 with 128 Sine-wave 0.5
24k/24k MP3 @ 56 Min ... “Stop_Psychotronics.mp3” ...

23 Pulsed Sound and Magnetic Fields @ 7.831 Hz Square Wave aka
The Schuamann Resonance Frequency of Mother Earth Circle Plus as
its symbol for The White European Master Race of Course All Has
Healing Potential and Restructures Water This is Suppressed Info the
United Nations is Hiding Along with The Many Health Benefits of
Distilled Ozonated Water @ 1.0 MP3 56 Minutes 24K/24K MONO ...

Stairway to Heaven Played Back-wards in Audacity :

And here’s to my sweet Satan ... Who’s little tool-shed he made
us suffer who’s power is Satan ... And with him we’ll give him 666 ...
Tool-shed who made us Suffer Sad Satan ...

The B-52’s Detour Through your Mind Backwards :

I buried my Parakeet in The Back Yard, Oh No you’re playing
the record backwards, watch out you might ruin your needle ...

Also Tommy Jones and the Shondels was about Viet Nam ...

Same shit here as usual Nothing New or Special Those other
Telepathic People are not special either , anyone who fucking quotes
Stephen Colbert is really not that Fucking Psychic Either DERP ...

Cohen Jews and Ashkenazi Jews are the Wealthiest most
Privileged most Free (They have 6 or more Passports) (eat at Jew-only
country clubs with their fucking Matzo Balls and shit) People on The
Planet Earth, They Get to Go To Hollywood, They get to be all over
the Television News and All The News Stations Have Jews on Them,
They are all over the Mainstream Radio Networks, The always play
the holocaust victim-hood mentality / narrative when there are no
wartime documents no one single document to prove a Holocaust at
Auschwitz a Holocaust of Six Million My ASS NO Proof Ever ...

Jewish Communism has killed more than 300+ Million, also the
Jews make so much money through Kosher Product Sales and Kosher
Animal Executions are Inhuman where blood is drained on a Live
Animal and the Animal is Still Fucking Alive, Oy Vey! Popcorn! ...

24 Martians use us “wild” “normal” humans who are Free Thinking
not under CIA MK-Ultra Mind Control as Freemason HOS as Sex
Slaves and have also Telepathically played with the Genitals of other
Targeted Individuals who are on a Government Watch-list, they
control, manipulate, and block our thoughts into a Blind Rage, They
use Remote Viewing and Remote Neural Monitoring aka Telepahic
Organized Stalking ... The Forced Brainwashing is right in front of
you, They control all of the Search Engines and The Surface Web in
Every Single Way, And the Entire World Press / Internet is Controlled
for The Jews and Martians Benefit to Control The Goyim non-Jew ...

Cohen Jews of B’nai B’rith / ADL and Martians Literally
Control Everything and your rights are a Carefully Crafted Illusion,
Rights Are Imaginary, Rights are Fictitious, Rights are a Farse, Rights
are a Falsehood, America Never Won The War of Independence or
The American Revolutionary War with The British, America Always
was in Slavery as a British Crown Colony Corporation Own Solely By
the District of Columbia in 1871 and a Cestui Que Vie in 1666 AD and
King James Stole the Land By Signing The First Charter of Virginia
in 1606, So there’s no fuckin’ rights, it’s all Imaginary Boogeyman ...

The Constitution and Magna Carta were Replaced With The
Babylonian Talmud and Money is printed by The Council of 300
Ashkenazi Jews such as The Rothschilds/Bankers who do what’s
called Quantitative Easing causing Inflation and it’s Fake FIAT
Currency Printed out of Think Air , Just think about it as a SCAM ...

“Rights are imaginary, we made them up, like the Boogeyman, if
you think you actually have rights, Go To Wikipedia, Look up
Japanese Internment Camps...” ...

--George Carlin ...

“Your rights are a Carefully Crafted Illusion, They Tame us like
Animals in a Zoo...” ...
--Kyle Odom

“Martians are responsible for The God Myth ... Martians started
Organized Religion to control Primitive Mankind ...” ...
--Kyle Odom


Archivetodayorg / Nosystemdorg / Godisimaginarycom /
EvilBiblecom / HighTechHarassmentcom / ...

ISBN : 9781732353237 | 9780359863464 | 9781944228019 ...
Calculate-Linuxorg / Ventoynet / Skywavelinux*com ...

Google Dorks : Parent Directory Index of Crap ...
Site: Inauthor: Define: .pdf .ppt .sh .docx .py .c .srt/.txt
“tax dollars” +/- “patriot act” “government spending”
“government funding” “military” “sdr” “linux” “bsd”
“software defined radio” .tar.gz .zip .mp4 .avi .jpg ...

My Player : Sony ICD-PX 470

My Headphones : Sennheiser HD-1 Koss KTX Pro-1 ...
My Laptop Lenovo IBM T400 / T420 Ventoy2SSD ...

8 GB Swap with EXT4 and Linux ...

Flush Your Meds #flushyourmeds ...
Anti Zionism Anti Pharma Anti Vaccine Anti Psychiatry ...

Flushyourmedscom | Archivetoday | Archiveorg | Permacc ..

Johndoepcppie@protonmailcom WebLibera*Chat Also ...
During the Bull Shit of Covid-19 or 1984 or whatever it is ...



963 Hz Sine

7.831 Square

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