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RE: The Fluoride-Nazi Myth

in #fluoride5 years ago

Right on queue!
Hey there, Mr. Ad Homenim with attack weapon labels! Wow, huge brain on you!
Now I will dismantle your gibberish too, and point out the low quality of your method of thinking. I'll leave the obvious aside for now and refrain from slinging insults....

First, you also have zero evidence to back up the claim. You can throw poopie like a champ yes, but no point, or evidence.

" by trying to debunk something that's historically proven / correct"

  • here's the thing, it is not 'proven to be correct'. The fact you think so, all by itself, demonstrates that you know absolutely nothing of history, other than the claim of one corrupt idiot....You of course, didn't look yourself, and have instantly outright rejected the new information presented, and put your weakling little label attached to it "closet nazi". That is cute.

Now to show you your low-average level of processing power:
" taking blame off nazis for their crimes... perhaps you're a closet nazi yourself..."
-of course, I can only assume that this is the pinnacle of your level of thinking... so I'll be gentle. --> You are giving the "Nazis" far more credit than I ever could. For you are attributing a falsity upon them which is quite easily debunked. A 6 year old on a phone could do the research.....But here you are, throwing poopie, but have no knowledge....
When the lie is debunked, that lie which YOU ascribe to, mhsiemaszko, it makes it look like, hmm, what other things about "the evil nazis" are true or false?

If you fail to see the logic in that which is clear to anyone of even remotely average intelligence, then I am not the one that can help you.

Oh, and come back with something of merit, for the love of thinking...

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