Frightful of Fluoride? Top 5 Fluoride-Free Tips

in #fluoride7 years ago


I started doing research into our water after watching “the great culling: our water” in 2013, it’s an eye opening documentary all about water fluoridation. This documentary led me down the rabbit hole where I discovered further research into the oil industry. Some finding were things about the production of water bottles, which uses 17 million barrels of oil a year, that means it takes three times more water to make the bottle then it does to fill it. Additionally, the amount of energy that goes into bottling water would be enough to power 190,000 homes. It’s stated that the global consumption of bottled water goes up 10 percent each year. This new information really hit me and I knew I had to keep digging and figure out what else we don’t know about this industry we seem to depend on.


I started to notice that most bottled water also usually contains fluoride. The fluoride added to most water supplies is not the naturally occurring variety but Fluorosilicic (Hydrofluorosilicic) Acid, which is captured by the fertilizer industry in air pollution devices. Fluoride is the only drug given at an un-monitored dose to every person regardless of age and health. Studies show that it builds up in the body and calcifies certain tissues such as bones, teeth and the pineal gland. There has never been a single randomized controlled trial to demonstrate fluoridation’s effectiveness or safety, crazy right. Especially considering that Fluoride is known to damage the brain, lower IQ, have neurotoxic effects, cause distress on the endocrine system (hormones and glands), damage bones, cause reproductive problem, and so on.


Conspirators have been trying to tell us for decades that in 1945, when the US began adding fluoride to its water supply it was not because they loved us. In fact today, 27 separate studies have shown that the average IQ of children exposed to raised fluoride concentrations is around seven points lower. This is just one reason why the majority of European countries have banned water fluoridation, why China opposes fluoride in tap water, and begs the question why only about 5 percent of the world fluoridates its water, us.


For decades fluoride has been added to your toothpaste, formula, and drinking water to supposedly build healthy teeth and prevent cavities and this has been a highly controversial practice. The US Centers for Disease Control calling the fluoridation of water “one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century.” and the World Health Organization reporting fluoride as a naturally occurring toxin.

In the March 2014 edition of The Lancet Neurology, one of the most prestigious medical research publications in the world, authors Dr. Phillippe Grandjean, MD and Philip J. Landrigan, MD officially classified fluoride as a neurotoxin. This recognition is a huge step for the holistic healthcare industry, and also a major announcement that helps patients across the globe take initiative in their overall well-being.


Now that the dangers of fluoride are clear, you have the choice to remove this new neurotoxin from your everyday life. Whatever you decide consider these alternative solutions to limit added fluoride for the sake of your families health:

  1. Purchase bottled water that says “fluoride ions:0.0 ppm” they have it on every label but it’s sometimes hard to find, make sure you take the time
  2. Opt-out of bottled water and instead recycle some glass jars and purchase a water distiller for clean and toxin-free drinking water (distilled water leaches plastic into the water, always choose a glass or stainless steel option)
  3. Collect fresh spring water, you can use google to find the closest one to you. I sometimes stop off at them when I am on road trips too, they are often in scenic areas
  4. Always opt for a toothpaste without fluoride of your local grocery store or make your own. I also enjoy the benefits of oil pulling, essential oil and activated charcoal treatments.
  5. Find a holistic dentist in your area that does not use fluoride, most towns have one now and please, Do NOT Get Fluoride Gel Treatments


I also want to add in that this journey is still on going for me, I still find fluoride hidden in the strangest places; gmo produce (particularly the dirty dozen), some tea brands, cereal and other processed foods, mechanically-deboned chicken, some table salts, teflon pans, and pharmaceuticals. Cutting these harmful compounds can be overwhelming and treacherous but taking your power back from industry and our conditioning is so empowering. Each day is progress and what takes effort today always takes less effort the next, it’s a golden rule. I wish you luck on your journey. Love, Ashley


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Disclosure, I am not a scientist, I am not a doctor and I am not perfect – what I am sharing with you is what I am doing, what is working for me now and my recommendations are based on my current experience and knowledge.


Hey @elementalgrowth, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers :)

Great post and welcome to the rabbit hole get comfy there's no getting out.