Surviving the Worst Flu in History + Still Not Black Enough Delay

in #flu6 years ago

I have now survived what truly seemed like the worst fucking flu ever.

I very rarely get sick, not even every year. But every single time it actually does happen, it feels like I'm about to die. And I'm really tough, too. It takes a lot for me to actually complain. I always get the worst muscle soreness; every muscle feels like it's burning, and it hurts like hell just to stay still - let alone move.

I was coughing so bad and so much, I threw up a couple of times. That was fun.

I tried working on Still Not Black Enough, but I didn't get far until I had to give up because the quality just wasn't there. I'll work on it today, and I'll have the chapter posted by tomorrow.

Sorry for the delay.

Unless you want the short version where Adam finds an SMT and uses it to stop the terrorists, and lives happily ever after.


Get better soon man. Flu sucks.

Thanks, bro. It's getting better now. I have some friends who get the flu every few months, but it's nothing too serious. Then there's me who gets it once every two years or so, but it's almost suicide-worthy, hah.

I actually thought about this for a while. I'm no medical expert, but could it be that because someone is rarely sick, his or her body isn't adjusted to handling it well - whereas when someone is sick every few months, it's not that big of a deal because the body is used to it.

I dunno, but an interesting though.

lol, hope you are feeling better.

Yeah, it finally feels like it's getting better.

I like the SMT version you propose

Hah. Maybe I'll write a bonus chapter at some point.

Wish you a quick recovery :)

Thank you. :)
I've steadily gotten better as the day has gone on.

The SMT version is short, sweet and to the point, but the longer chapter will be the biggest bonus. Suspense is already promising that. 😁

Have a quick recovery....flu is the pits.

Thanks! :)

The worst is behind me now, thankfully. My flus are terrible, but they only last for a day, sometimes two, very rarely three. I'm not okay yet, but I'm in the post-flu period now.

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