My Gasteria

I recently bought a Succulent Gasteria.
I would be very happy if someone helps me with her name.
I am not an expert on these plants and I have few of them.
I have mostly cacti and orchids. Although there are many other plants, I will not list them all.
You can see a variety of my colors in my previous posts.
Although not all my plants are exhibited in my posts :-))

Gasteria is a succulent
In nature, its more than 80 species. But as an ornamental plant, only a 10 types of Gasteria have taken root.
Gasteria is a perennial plant.
The flowers of Gasteria are pink-cream, white, green, orange and red. They grow on long stalks up to 70 cm.
In nature, Gasteria grows in the shade of shrubs, so at home it is not recommended to put it under direct sunlight.
But, for comparison, I put one of Gasteria in direct sunlight, and the other under scattered.
And I will observe how they will develop.

It is recommended, if there are cacti in the house, to put a lot of Gaster, it will grow well among them.

In winter, temperatures can be reduced to + 12 ° С.

In order to get the seeds, from time to time shake the peduncle so that the pollen gets on the stigma of the flower.








Actually it's a Gasteraloe, a hybrid of Gasteria and Aristaloe aristata. Those can handle a fair amount of sun but true Gasteria don't do well in the sun and they will never flower. Some will refuse to grow at all. I have some baby Gasteria that I will show some time. I grow them all in my bathroom, out of the sun.

Thank you!
I want to see!

How little light will they tolerate? That might be a good plant for my bathroom.

It's not some Aloe?
@nikv will know :D

This is true...

Not. I bought it in Ikea with a tag where Gasteria was written

The colours and patterns of white dots are very nice! Waiting for the flowers.

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I say name it Spots.

Love the close ups of it.

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