Bloom my Euphorbia CAPUT - MEDUSAE, , Euphorbia flanaganii

in #flowerphotography5 years ago (edited)

I bought my Euphorbia MEDUSAE when visiting a plant greenhouse.
I like this plant.
It is my first time and I did not kill him :-))
I keep my Euphorbia MEDUSAE, not exactly as recommended by professionals on the Internet.
And not because of its harmfulness, but because of the fact that I cannot give all the flowers (due to their large number) places that they recommend.
So, I should not have put my Euphorbia MEDUSAE in direct sunlight in the summer, but just there it is!
The result is that it blooms profusely !!!
They write that in the summer, the air temperature for it should be 22-26 ° C.
In my summer, it stands at a temperature above 34 ° C !!!
Probably my Euphorbia MEDUSAE really want to live !!!
They write that at other times of the year it is desirable not to lower the temperature below 12 ° C.
But for my Euphorbia MEDUSAE This is the first winter and the temperature at night is 12-13 ° C.
So I will observe how it will tolerate a decrease in temperature.
Planted my Euphorbia MEDUSAE in the ground for cacti.
I water it too, like cacti.



















Those are very much like cacti. They don't want sun all day but they do appreciate direct sunlight

Thank you very much!
So next summer I better give her less sun?
I have the same Medusa as in the photo or another?
Because in the nursery of flowers, these Jellyfish were in different places and I did not pay attention if they were the same.

Yours is another, I think

After your comment, I compared the photo of Medusa.
You are right - the middle of these jellyfish is completely different!
You are very attentive!!! Thank!

Thank you very much!
When I go there and there are still such Jellyfish - I ask the owner.

Amazing! So many flowers!

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Thank you very much!

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