Flower Papaya Type II #Fruitful Flowers / Bunga Pepaya Tipe II #Bunga Berbuah

in #flower6 years ago (edited)

Hey steemian friend ..... how about your news so far I hope you are in good health always. Meet again with my blog here.

Do not go anywhere here first, on this occasion I want to share my post to you all, I hope you are happy with my work so far.

Well to be more succinct I would like to introduce you to The papaya flower theme type II.

I will explain a bit of papaya type II flowers
Why I say this papaya flowers with type II, before this flower has no name, that's the name of my proposal at this time. And before I have explained with the bitter papaya flowers are flowers that continue to be flowers.

While the papaya flower this one will be the fruit, from the growing flowers to produce fruit. of interest remains a flower and fruit does not mean to be a flower

Flower papaya type II is also not less beautiful with pitaya papaya citrarasa bitter and papaya fruit also has properties for our body, namely digestion, not excess protein, rich in vitamin C, maintain blood pressure, and increase body thickness.

In my village papaya fruit is often in the process of drinking (papaya juice) tastes delicious when we do it ourselves according to our own taste.

If there is a mistake with the image above I apologize, because the work I capture with the camera oppo A37w.

Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you are happy with my work above. critics and suggestions you can leave in my blog comments this ..

So from me, I hope you like my blog.
Regards @maulidar


Hey steemians.... bagaimana dengan kabar anda selama ini saya harap anda dalam keadaan sehat-sehat selalu. Jumpa lagi dengan blog saya di sini.

Jangan kemana-mana tetap di sini dulu, pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin berbagi postingan saya kepada anda semua, semoga kalian senang dengan hasil karya saya selama ini.

Baiklah untuk lebih ringkas saya ingin memperkenalkan anda dengan Tema bunga pepaya tipe II.

Saya akan menjelaskan sedikit dari bunga pepaya tipe II
Kenapa saya mengatakan ini bunga pepaya dengan tipe II, sebelumnya bunga ini tidak memiliki nama, itu nama dari usulan saya saat ini. Dan sebelumnya saya sudah menjelaskan dengan bunga pepaya yang pahit itu bunga yang terus menjadi bunga.

Sedangkan bunga pepaya yang satu ini akan menjadi buah, dari bunga terus berkembang mengeluarkan buah. dari bunga tetap menjadi bunga dan berbuah bukan berarti menjadi bunga

Bunga pepaya tipe II juga tidak kalah indahnya dengan bunga pepaya citrarasa yang pahit dan buah pepaya juga mempunyai khasiat bagi tubuh kita, yaitu melancarkan pencernaan, tidak kelebihan protein, kaya akan vitamin C, menjaga tekanan darah, dan meningkatkan ketebalan tubuh.

Di desa saya buah pepaya sering di olah untuk minuman (jus pepaya) rasanya yang nikmat bila kami melakukannya sendiri sesuai dengan rasa kita masing-masing.

Jika ada kesalahan dengan hasil gambar diatas saya minta maaf, karena karya tersebut saya abadikan dengan kamera oppo A37w.

Terima kasih sudah berkunjung ke blog saya, saya harap anda senang dengan hasil karya saya di atas. kritik dan saran anda bisa tinggalkan di komentar diblog saya ini..

Demikian dari saya, saya harap anda menyukai blog saya.
Salam @maulidar


papaya is one of the fruits with more nutritious content in vitamins and its flower is very beautiful! friend thanks for publishing contents so relevant for all of us!

Papaya tree is very common in Malaysia too. I used to buy papaya from the market and throw the seeds together into a flower pot. And it is sown into a small plant but I have to pull them off the soil as I do not have space for it to grow.
I think I have not seen a papaya flower in close range as it took it for granted. Local papaya cost about RM5 per kg while imported ( claimed ) type can be double the price ( like the Hawaiian type )
I like the Hawaiian type of papaya as it is very sweet but I am not sure if they are imported from Hawaii though
Thanks again for sharing the photo

whether in papaya in the market that can be guaranteed his health. we are here to plant ourselves, we always eat fresh papaya every week .. we just throw the seeds in the garden 1 mile distance from the house, very boring. thank you for visiting @digitalmind

wow, 1 mile away is very far. But then, if that is for your "kebun", kena pegi juga , kan?

Itu leeh,, we still have to pick it, in order to help my father's income

Halo @maulidar! Posting bagus dan sudah kami resteem ke 7610 follower yaa.. *) (Sebutir kontribusi kami sebagai witness untuk komunitas Steemit Indonesia.)

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