The World's Rarest Flower

in #flower6 years ago

Ornamental plants, especially flowers, it becomes a mandatory plant owned and planted in the yard of the house. But not with the rare plant species below. If usually in the yard of the house decorated with roses, jasmine, orchids and other types of flowers, then do not be surprised if this plant will not be found in the yard of any house because the number is very rare even considered extinct. What are the rare types of flowers? Learn More The Rarest Flower in the World

Rafflesia Arnoldii
Refflesia is actually a genus of parasitic flower plants. First found in Indonesia's rainforest by a native Indonesian guide for Dr. Joseph Arnold in 1818 and named after Thomas Stamford Raffles, the leader of the expedition. Rafflesia Arnoldii diameter of more than 100 cm, and successfully menobatkannya as the largest flower in the world. This flower does not have stems, stems, leaves or roots. When blooming, this flower will produce a foul odor so often dubbed as a carcass flower. The odor is stinging, even the flies and beetles often come to him and help the process of pollination. He will die after at least a week from the time he blooms.

Cypripedium Calceolu
Also called Lady Slippers, whose rarity is of the type of Lady Slippers Yellow and Purple. This flower is a very rare wild orchid species in Europe. The only example of this plant is only in England found on the golf course and is under strict police protection since 1917. A sprig of this flower can cost up to 5,000 USD. The seeds of the plants do not have food reserves for plant purposes so that they can only live with the help of a certain type of mushroom symbiosis, which can supply food intake to adult leaves and produce its own food. At that time, mushrooms that supply food will also die.

Franklina Altamaha
Or often called the tree Franklina, is a kind of bush tree that can grow up to 33 feet. This plant is also included in the tea genus. The flowers are white with a fragrant aroma, almost similar to Camelia's. Its original place was the valley of the river Altamaha, Georgia, and has been extinct in the wild since the early 19th century. Until now, this tree can still be found because the Bartram family who bred the tree and spread it before the extinction occurred in the wild. When blooming, the color of the red leaves will turn bright red in autumn.

Kokai Cookeikokai.jpg
It is an endemic tree from Hawaii. Found in 1860 at that time there were only 3 specimens. This tree is very difficult to breed, in 1950 after the seeds died then this tree is considered extinct. In 1978, there was a fire that destroyed the only surviving tree found in 1970. Luckily, one branch of the remaining tree could still be saved and successfully grafted. Until now there are still 23 living trees and all are in Hawaii. The tree is small, with a height of 10 - 11 meters. The bright red color of the petals is very striking, and it looks like a shoebox.

Gibraltar Campion
Having the scientific name of Silente Tomentosa, this flower species is very rare and can only be found on the high cliffs of Gibraltar. This gorgeous plant is believed to have gone extinct outside of Gibraltar in the 1980s but there are still some remaining specimens to be found. In 1994, a single specimen was discovered by an inaccessible climber, so there was still hope for the species to revive. The seeds are then distributed in the Millennium seed bank and are now grown in The Almeda Gibraltar Botanic Gardens as well as the Royal Botanic Gardens in London.

Lotus Berthelotii
Its shape resembles the beak of the parrot bird, making it often referred to as the Parrot Kidatua flowers. It has been classified in the category of rare flowers since 1884 and is believed to have been completely extinct in the wild. The endemic plant of the Canary Islands is pollinated by Sunbird birds that are also known to have long been extinct in the Canary Islands. No wonder if this amazing plant is rare. Experiments on the new pollinator of these flowers have been done to fight the scarcity of this plant and bring it back to the Canary Islands. But in 2008, no fruit was produced at all.

Jade VineJade_Vine.jpg
It has another name Strongylodon Macrobotrys, this flower is a flower that lives in tropical rain forest habitat in the Philippines. The flower tree includes members of the family of beans that have a close relationship with red beans. The flowers are shaped like claws that grow from the branches of the tree. The length can reach three meters, the color is very distinctive and beautiful, thank the green color bluish and green mint. Unfortunately, it is very unique and very difficult to breed and is considered an endangered species due to habitat destruction and natural pollinator decline.

Cosmos AtrosanguineusCosmos-atrosanguineus.jpg
Also called Chocolate Cosmos, because it has a dark red to brown. This flower is one of the species of Cosmos flower from the land of telenovela, Mexico. Was declared extinct in the wild for about a hundred years. This flower species survives as a single infentile flower foundation created in 1902 through a vegetative propagation. The resulting flower is 3 - 4 cm in diameter with vanilla scent.

Epipogium Aphyllumghost-orchid.jpg
In the Indonesian language better known as Orchid Ghost. This may be due to its ghostly form. If you notice, the shape does resemble Casper, the ghostly character of the Casper cartoon film. Orchid Ghost or The Ghost Orchid is a rare orchid species found in the southwestern region of Florida, the United States, Cuba and the Caribbean Islands. This plant has a lot of names, including Palm Polly, White Frog (White Frog Orchid) and White Butterfly (White Butterfly Orchid). His botanical name is Dendrophylax Lindenii in Polyrrizza classification. Its specific name is Lindenii taken from the inventor's name, Jean Jules Linden, who is also a collector of plants from Belgium. Not only the unique flowers, leaves and tagkainya also very unique because it amounts to very little while the roots are very dense. This orchid also briefly lifted into a novel work entitled "The Orchid Thief" by Susan Orlean.

Middlemist Camelia
This one plant is very beautiful with red peach, lush petals and looks like a rose. Also called Middlemist Merah, which is the rarest flowering plant in the world because there are only 2 samples. One of them is located in a greenhouses greenhouse in England and the other one is in New Zealand. Originally, this plant was brought to England by John Middlemist of China in 1804. Since then the plant has become completely extinct and has no traces in China. But the plants that were brought to Britain continued to grow for many years.

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