in #flourish7 years ago


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Flourish according to the dictionary is a condition of prosperity or something that is performed in a fanciful way.
Everyone wants to flourish but no one wants to pay the price... Funny... Isn't it???
In this life, I have come to the understanding that many things cannot be if certain things or requirements are not fulfilled.
I will like to buttress my point with the story of Daniel... In the book of Daniel 1:2-3...
The king asked the master of the eunuchs to bring certain children of Israel, not just certain children of Israel but children that has these criteria.

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  1.  In whom was no blemish..

If a man wants to flourish, he must be free of any kind of blemishes, external and internal, secret blemishes or societal ones, his/her ways must be straight and found faithful in all things and to do this, he / she must be born again.

  • Well favoured
    *Skillful in all wisdom.
    To flourish, you must be skillful in all things you do and you must have wisdom.
    Its necessary to acquire a skill mostly as a youth and know your skill to the fullest. A man can not flourish on empty hands, he has to have something doing before he can flourish.

Fine, people say that the country has no future for the youth which is true, so then, you need to prepare a future for yourself by diligently attending to that skill of yours. Many people might be in that field but wisdom will make you stand out and stand tall amongst all.

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You have to be knowledgeable to know what to do per time and what not to do. To know what steps to take and when to take them. A wrong step can ruin a man's destiny without solution to it...

Hummm.... I am not saying that you must be a science student but sincerely, there is more science in the society today than we can imagine.
Take for instance our mobile phones, its a form of science. Many people have android phones and the best they can use it for is to take selfies and WhatsApp.. There is more to your mobile phones then just chatting.. You can make a life for yourself, advertise yourself, sell yourself to the community because the internet is the largest community you can reach...

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Its not about Facebook alone, join other social platforms where you can learn from people as regards your field, do research.. Thank God for YouTube.. You can school yourself online by watching tutorials, you don't necessarily have to start by meeting people directly, you can start your grooming yourself.
Finally, its said that people that have the ability to stand in the King's palaces..
Sir/ma, its not everyone that can stand in the King's palaces.. Like the bible says.. A man diligent in his business will stand before kings and not mere men.

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Its a pointer to the fact that if you want to flourish, you must never be lazy. Laziness is not an option.. You have to deny yourself of many things to get that which u want to achieve. Like Daniel and other children of Judah decided not to defile themselves with the Kong's portion, we also need to deny ourselves of some kind of pleasure and comfort to get to that desired goal that we want.

Finally, Associate yourself with friends that see from the same perspective as you.
If you mingle with those who don't believe in what you believe, they will help kill your dream and that will be the end.
To flourish, you must hang around likeminded people as yourself. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.




More anointing my big brother... Thanks for the message.

Nice message, it also good to know that what singled the three Hebrew young men out before the king was their worldly knowledge of science, cunning in knowledge, but what singled them out before the whole world and before the angels was their trust and faith in the living God who they believed.

It’s only the power of the most high that can make the forth man to appear in the furnace.

Thanks for this lovely and encouraging post.

Thank you so much for reading and adding to it. God bless you sir

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