in #florida7 years ago


The events that have happened in Florida at the Stoneman Douglas high school is tragic and sad. I am writing as an outsider who has never lived in America and experienced any mass shootings or any major events. Although I have experienced lost, lost of a friend and family member. These losses were of natural causes but a loss none the less. The feeling and experienced of these lost were sadness. I cannot imagine a loss of life through the means of a mass shooting, I can't say I know how the friends and family of the victims is feeling, but I do hope they all get through this. My thoughts and prayers are nothing but words, so It does not really matter. To have a life, a life of a student so young and have it taken away is one of the sadness things I can imagine. I speak of this because I have experienced depression to a point that can be categorise as suicidal. I am not embarrassed to say that because I think that people have experienced depression to a level of degree. Now that I think of it is so stupid and its something that will pass and that life is precious. But to have it taken away from you without you be able to decide is horrible and just unimaginable. These children could have grown up to be something great but there gone. If someone was to ask me at a younger age about school shootings and what was the first thing that came to my mind, I would without a doubt say USA. I like America I think it is a great country, even when I visited America I thought the culture is unlike any other country. I studied American studies as a major in University because I like American culture the movies the music the society. Although if you ask me now currently what is the first thing that comes to my mind about America, the first thing I say now is "mass shootings". History and time never forgets, Virginia tech, sandy hook and the documentary I will never forget is Bowling for Columbine. As a normal person looking at this from an outside perspective I am not going to debate about the US gun laws. I am just writing to acknowledge that history and time never forgets because these incidents keeps happening. I still remember the Las Vegas shootings and that seem so far away, so distant into the past. Who is to blame, I think the debate can easily be seen on youtube, twitter, and social media, so I will not point any fingers. Although I have a strong belief in that guns and firearms are at the heart of this problem. Solely based on the gun laws and regulation of other countries like Canada and Australia. Should USA change its laws to be like Canada and Australia. I don't have the right to say nor is my opinion makes a difference. I have watch many youtube videos on this events, the survivors, family and friends of victims being able to speak about this incident makes me sad.

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