Tips on How to Flirt with a Shy Guy

in #flirt6 years ago

Finding a decent man to marry you is not an easy task. It’s much like looking for a needle in a hay stack. The problem then becomes even worse, however, when your crush is a shy guy. You wait for him to approach you, to give you any kind of sign, but he just doesn’t.
But don’t worry. If you know how to be subtlety flirty with men, they will open up to you. Now, you wonder how to actually flirt with a shy guy? Here are some useful tips for doing just that.
Applying some of those techniques will make him become aware of you in no time and work as perfect ice-breakers. You will moreover be able to understand how to tell if a guy likes you, based on his reaction to you approaching him with the following flirt-tips.

1. Find out what He likes
You need to learn about his interests and then use related topics to approach him and start a conversation with him. Most people quickly get comfortable when they talk about what they like doing and he will be no exception to that rule.
As soon as he realizes that the topic of your conversation is about something he is not only familiar with, but one that he also likes talking about, he will open up to you.
A few ideas in this regard:

  • It could be that he loves movies or video games. It could also be that he is interested in a certain sport. The point is, it could be anything – so poke around to find out!

  • It is great if you happen to be truly interested in what he likes but if you personally find certain interests of his genuinely boring to the extent that you are faking your own interest during the conversation, you should probably move on to a different topic.

  • Better yet, find out if you have common interests with him and start there. It will help because your interests are genuine.

2. Ask Him Questions
One way you can get him to open up when he is shy, is to ask him questions as opposed to only uttering statements.
Some tips that help here:

  • Ask casual, rather than “nosy” questions. The topic you ask him questions about should be one that he is interested in, or an activity he enjoys engaging in. It could be as simple as whether he already watched the latest movie his favorite actor is part of.

  • You asking him questions will facilitate him as a shy person to come out of his shell, as he cannot simply not answer (technically, of course, he could simply not reply at all but then you would be best advised to consider changing your interest to a different man, instead).

  • Ask open-ended questions. Such questions will draw explanatory and detailed responses. They are not the ‘yes or no’ questions but rather questions that contain words like how, what, why and in what way.

3. Ask Him for Help
In some cases, the rather shy person is just unnerved by any potential conversation because he is outside his comfort zone.
He might in fact be the observer-type who has a deep character and mind, but simply can’t express that to people he barely knows. Flirt with him through asking him for help with something. Many guys feel comfortable when they are being asked to help out. You can call it their inner light coming to the forefront.
Whether you need help with your car, your stuck locker-room door or you have a problem with anything else he might be able to help with, ask him for it. However, note that it is too early at this point to ask him for help with any emotional problems you may be experiencing.

4. Compliment Him
Humans, by their very nature, like compliments. It’s no different for a shy guy. Remember, that complimenting a guy sounds a lot harder than it actually is.
If it’s the color of his shirt that you find attractive, tell him that. Alternatively, it could be that you like the jeans he’s wearing or maybe his new haircut. Simply take note of it and make a quick comment in form of a compliment to him.
Apart from just his physical appearance, you could also single out one character trait you find particularly likeable about him. It could be how smart he goes about some projects or his loyalty to his friends.
When talking to him, make sure you make frequent use of his name. Also, call him with a lighthearted and complimentary nickname. It might just get him to burst in laughter and open up.

5. Give Him a Chance to Talk
Don’t just do all the talking as he listens. Remember that the goal is to get him to talk. Don’t be immersed in too much talk, but stop and give him a chance to talk back. It’s a conversation, remember? It’s of no use when it’s a one-way communication.

Communication is key in any relationship. A problem arises when you have to deal with a shy guy, as communication might be hampered in the beginning.
These guys aren’t necessarily easy going in conversations and you have to have your work cut out when you want to flirt with him.
Start by finding out what he likes and then talk along those lines and also include open-ended questions so that he gets to open up. Another way is to ask for his help as some people come to life when they are called upon. Finally, make sure you give him a chance to talk back, too.

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