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RE: Finding the Curve #9

in #flatearth7 years ago

The earth she is a round like a coconut!

The Michelson-Morley experiment was designed to measure the extra time it took a light beam to travel "there-and-back" against the ether wind. But there was no delay, proving that there was no ether. It was not a test to find out if the earth was moving. We already knew the earth is moving.


Prove it then.. because we can't and obviously if you can't feel the spin you wouldn't 'know' that we were spinning..

Sit on a merry go round that makes one revolution in 24 hours and tell me if you can feel the motion.

Track the sun as it moves across the sky for one day. You will find its apparent motion is a straight line. This would happen if we were sitting on a spinning sphere. This would not happen if we were sitting on a flat earth with the sun circling above us. Simple proof.