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RE: Are Flat Earthers As Crazy As We're Led To Believe?

in #flatearth8 years ago (edited)

I will admit to have seen a couple of these videos myself because they do keep popping up recommended, and like yourself, out of intellectual honesty I had to entertain the idea.

I still am, I am more observant now, and if anything I think that may be the best thing about this flat earth youtube craze because I know at least I am paying more attention to my surroundings, I don't know if others are too.

I too have noticed flat earth is seen as our way into reform by many, flat earth is like our shame for having been so stupid, the poster child of stubbornness and ignorance. I noticed this image too, as well as the constant attempts to try to discredit it. It was people's attempts at trying to discredit that really raised an alert in me.

Surprisingly nothing would change either way for me, flat or round or even dome. Even if this whole thing was a hologram things still wouldn't change for me. At least when it comes to the Abrahamic god.

Could we share a creator that is putting us in the middle of a show? Maybe, but what does that change? Nothing for me, I already knew I was being lied to. For 15 years I thought there were planes in 911.

There's only one thing I want to know if it turns out this is no globe. I want to know why this particular lie. Maybe they are lying like this to sell us the idea of living in other planets (or heaven), so that we don't take care as much about this one.

I wasn't taught evolution in school growing up though, I was taught the Christian god created, I was taught globe earth was real. Humans having to do anything with monkeys is an idea worth laughing about, this was my biology teacher in high school. But not just that, an idea which opposing would cost your passing grade. It was as optional for me to say I didn't believe in a globe as it was for me to say I didn't believe in the Christian god in school, it wasn't, if I ever wanted to graduate. I think you story was a bit different in this respect, but I also know others can identify with mine.

Recently I read someone comment in one of those videos that there could possibly be more land than we are shown...I think that would be a great reason to lie, not that I'd support such crime.

All in all the big problem I'm having at the end is not about god, secret societies conspiring, us being lied to from birth systematically, etc. I just wonder about the people using satellite technology and what that really is. :P How is this signal bouncing if it is? I also wonder about all the people studying science and what they are really doing if they are not studying enough to miss this... This may be new though, maybe the idea of a globe earth is younger than we think.

Besides that I guess I see no reason why it couldn't have another shape that is not a globe, the only thing that keeps me wondering is how the moon looks like. It would seem, the way light reflects, that it is a sphere. If the moon is a globe then why wouldn't we be on one too being so close to each other?

I think it's childish to make fun of people who are trying to find the truth either way.


I love this phrase you just used, "intellectual honesty.". I have never heard this. Did you just coin it yourself? If so, I shall be stealing it. Lol.

I feel I can relate to your comment about paying closer attention once introduced to the flat Earth theory. I have since paid closer attention the sun, moon and stars and have seen some anomalies that contradict the globular model. I have also seen some very beautiful things, including a glowing blue sun, hiding through a tunnel of clouds. That is a phenomena I have never before seen and doubt I will again. I wonder if I would have caught that had it not been for me paying closer attention due to the flat Earth theory.

As for GPS satellites, it's an interesting issue. I suppose it could all be fake and really they are just using the telephone towers we see everywhere, and the huge wires that go across the oceans. It wouldn't have to mean that all these mobile phone companies were in on it. They could pay for a satellite and get service that appears to be a satellite, without knowing that the communication network they are making use of is really operating on cell-towers.

This is rather far-fetched, but so is a sci-fi author proposing a geo-stationary satellite in his writing, then it becoming a reality shortly after. Especially when that author was close friends with a number of fellow-freemason astronauts, and is in photos with them.

Another way that this could be achieved is if satellites truly are up there. This doesn't mean the Earth is round because satellites are above us. It just means that there is a satellites above us... It would mean that it isn't kept in the air by orbiting the Earth, but with the technology in existence nowadays, why should we not accept a possibility of satellites being held up there by other means?

I agree, high res images of the moon certainly look spherical, but I disagree that just because it looks sphere we should assume we are on a sphere. When you look at all the craters on the moon, however, it does appear as though many asteroids have hit it. I think the existence of an outer space with asteroids hitting the moon would debunk most models of the flat Earth, but we would need to see one hitting it for that to happen. Until we do, we do not know what caused the craters, or whether they even are craters.

I ask about satellite tech because I've worked for several of those companies and they teach you how their satellites work while on training. Could these machines be closer than we are told? Maybe. But to spend money in teaching employees the routes of your satellites makes no sense if you have no satellites moving, I think. You could just tell them the machines are stationary and to say every malfunction is related to weather and they wouldn't know any different.

Could it be that the author who proposed satellites was already aware of their existence because of who he had been hanging out with?

I don't know if I came up with Intellectual Honesty, but I've been using it for a while hoping it catches on :)

I am paying more attention to my surroundings, I don't know if others are too.

I've really enjoyed that aspect of it as well. I never knew how much fun it would be to have "proving the earth is round" as a hobby. :)

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