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RE: Are Flat Earthers As Crazy As We're Led To Believe?

in #flatearth8 years ago (edited)

I think the idea is not based in any real evidence and having heard some of them speaking I believe they are not true believers in a flat earth but are trying to make a point about how hysterical some people get over certain discussions. People shouldn't get angry even if they do think an attitude is crazy!


I know the types you speak of. There are quite a few trolls, and there are even those who seem to believe in the theory just as an excuse to feel special.

But, for every one of those, there is two more who truly believe. Who are spending money on amateur rockets and high powered lasers to conduct scientific experiments to find proof.

We certainly do need to learn to communicate without anger though, because if you go to one of these videos and have a look at the comments, it's all hatred. It's a sad sight.

Lol I used to be one of those trolls. I used to say the moon landings were faked just to annoy people!

Sorry, I hadn't noticed this. An explosion of discussion has resulted from this post and it's very difficult to keep up. I too have indulged in quite a bit of trolling in the past. It can be fun to wind people up over silly shit, and it can teach them that there are more important things in life to get upset about.

At least you had the truth on your side though, because I am not certain about much, but I'm certain they never went to the moon.

I'm pretty certain they did but it is silly that people come to blows over these kind of disagreements none of us will probably ever be 100% sure so falling out over this kind of stuff is ridiculous.

Yeah, it is a demonstration of maturity for us to be in disagreement of this but not trying to make one another feel stupid or insane.

I know that regardless of our conflicting views on this, we still agree on an awful lot and I know there is value in reading your work and maintaining a line of communication,

Go have a look at some of the other comments on this post and you will get, in my opinion, a very great example of the opposite. It's as if people are actively attempting to ensure that I never speak to them again, simply because they disagree with people I also disagree with but can relate to in some ways. LOL. Aren't we quite a species.

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