in #flatearth6 years ago (edited)

So far, so basic. We've encountered that the earth is not spinning (, we've discussed the conspicuous lack of curvature (, we've found out about gravity being nothing but hocus-pocus (, and we've learned that there are no real photos of earth ( There are hundreds of more proofs for the reality of the fake globe, and you can study each of the above mentioned facts more in-depth – I was only trying to point you to the right direction.

Now that we covered the nitty-gritty, let's look at this highly intriguing and also controversial topic people refer to as Flat Earth from another angle. My gut feeling tells me this post will upset more globelievers than all other entries from this series. Let's get right into it, shall we?

Most science today is scientism. Scientism is a belief system. It's a covert religion, and most scientists don't even realise that they are followers of it. Neither do atheists. They are not aware of the fact that the priesthood of old has transmuted and is hiding itself in a new embodiment. This was a very clever move, we have to give 'em that. In their cult of scientism, they can congregate self-declared "sophisticated" non-believers as well as clueless proponents of scripture.

Thing is, just because some scientist makes a certain claim doesn't mean that it actually is a verifiable fact. Furthermore, just because a whole branch comes to a consensus by no means signifies that those who don't agree are not standing on more solid ground. And herein lies the crux. Whenever you question the official narrative of MSM fake news outlets like CNN, Fox or what have you, you are deemed a conspiracy theorist. Whenever you have objections against some religious doctrine, you are considered a heretic. Same applies for scientism: don't you dare approaching a hypothesis with an open mind and unbiased, you might end up being a "denier"!

Important notice: we true earthers don't neglect science. Far from it, we actually incorporate say the laws of physics or the curvature formula when making our observations or measurements. You must come to the understanding that there is a fundamental difference between theoretical science and applied science. Nobody is going to argue that there are great achievements thanks to science (the applied form that is). What we realists are opposing is theoretical science. This is the branch that made the whole globe deception possible to begin with. Astrophysicists, astronomers, astronots (sic) – I guess you could pretty much say that everything that has to do with gravity, lightyears, space-time continuum, black holes, dark matter, simply put everything that is non-tangible we A.I* will examine highly skeptical, not to say we'll expose these hoaxes for what they are.

As much as you should be alerted (in the sense of not taking things at face value) when the media paints the picture of a boogeyman (be it muslim terrorists, AIDS, global warming, or North Korea), as much you ought to wonder why some people are portrayed as geniuses or saviours. In the same vein we Full Red Pillers are taking back terrifying symbols like The All Seeing Eye or the number 33 and co-opt them for our own means (or memes, rather), we ask you to break the spell and stop worshiping "role models" the system has brought forth like Newton, Einstein, Hawkings, NDT, Musk. This is a call for idol-bashing and iconoclasm. Are you ready to think your own thoughts and come to your own conclusions?

*A.I = Autonomous Individual

Words by They Lie We See / switzerflatland


Steemit works in mysterious ways, and I'm somehow not able to edit this entry and link it to fact no. 6. So here it goes:

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