The Disorder Called Flat Earth Denialism

in #flatearth6 years ago (edited)


Ever since the world went flat in 0AG (2015), the interwebs are infested with self-declared specialists who contaminate comment sections on platforms like youtube and other places where one is able to leave replies.

The eminently witty annotions range from "Hey flat-tard, why don't you just jump off the edge of the flat earth." to "The ancient greeks already knew 2000 years ago that the earth is round." to video replies that fail miserably in trying to debunk the non-spinning, level reality that everyone can verify for themselves.


While most of these keyboard warriors are presumably paid trolls whose job it is to derail serious conversations, you'll also find brainwashees who have chosen to stay wilfully ignorant no matter what evidence you present, and who won't stop making inane remarks on every entry you post on steemit.

I find it highly peculiar that those reality deniers don't even consider making the effort of investigating the helio-centric deception, despite the fact that the proofs are everywhere. Instead, they make it their life task to "educate" the ones that can see through the globe illusion. They will even subscribe to your channel and stalk your like-minded followers and pollute you with their nonsense.


If you're not interested in the contributions of people who are trying to cure you from your delusion, why would you visit their channels and spam their uploads with immature notes? For instance, I don't care for wedding rituals in Uzbekistan, therefore I wouldn't seek such content. Pretty self-explanatory, wouldn't you agree?

The other thing is, all of us have at one point been indoctrinated with the helio-centric belief system. But some of us have found our way out of the maze, and have seized the means of perception. What makes the trolls think that they could make us go back to their kool-aid reality? Why can't they see the anomalies, inconsistencies and flat out impossibilities of the pearoid spinning in space? Are the fluoridated brains of theirs so irreversibly damaged that they cannot understand that we want to stay on this side of the green screen, now that we've found truth? They will even blindly defend the deceivers. Stockholm Syndrome, anyone?


Flat Earth denialism is a serious disorder. But there is cure for globitis. The globortion is available for free, the procedure only hurts for a short time, and to finally be sane is worth all the sacrifices.

Words by They Lie We See / switzerflatland

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Nice job! Thank you 🌺 I'd ReSteem but the option isn't available.

Thanks 💜🐧 This post is from 10 days ago, I noticed after a certain time the resteem-option will be disabled...

oh look, the person that thinks ships go over the horizon despite proof... and he is calling those that do names.

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