
Well there is no curve on the x axis when you look at any horizon line. If you turn around 360 degrees, the horizon line will be flat all the way around and meeting up perfectly with your starting point. This has nothing to do with the shape you are standing on.

Actually, it does. Because a horizon line 360 degrees all around us that increases as we go up in elevation, and it's distance is predictable with sperical math, and with predictable and measurable horizon drop, is only possible on a sphere.

The funny thing about this meme that the poster ignores is that he shows two images, both where we can see further the higher up we go! That is ONLY possible on a sphere!

There's a reason that no one will ever take flat earthers seriously, it's because they simply cannot understand anything they are seeing! Instead, they parrot cult talking points and substitute that for actual intelligence.

Here's the Lake Ponchartrain Causeway at ground level. We can only see the expected approximately 3 miles of it. Yet, whenever flattards show a bridge like this saying there is 'no curvature' they show an aerial view... because you can see further at altitude... because we live on a sphere!

It's a self-defeating argument to show miles and miles of a bridge from an aerial view saying there is no curvature. If there was no curvature, why do you have to go up over the curvature to see the bridge that is hidden behind the curvature at ground level!

Flattards are pathetic.

lake ponchartrain causeway ground.jpg

Yea, the horizon will start to curve as you go up. And if you go high enough, you will see the full circle of the earth.

Thanks for all the upvotes! :-)

By the way, here's a video of the Ponchartrain power lines from SIDE TO SIDE! You really should check to see the debunks of your claims before you put up stupid memes.

Plus, are you REALLY saying that we can only see ships or bridges or buildings or land masses disappear (and yes, they disappear, just like the bridge) if we look WEST OR EAST, for instance? If you go out on a boat in the middle of the ocean, you see ships disappear from WHICHEVER WAY YOU ARE FACING.

No, you don't see them disappear to your side because your FOV is limited. The PROOF of this is that if a ship DOES move off to your left or right, all you need to do is to turn to face it, and it will disappear over the horizon... and no, it will NOT come back if you use a telescope (don't make me show you 100 videos of ships ACTUALLY disappearing, even using your magical p900, because I can, and you'll look like a fool).

You are simply wrong... about your meme and about the earth. I can show you hundred of videos of the curvature... that you choose to reject them is not evidence of a flat earth, but only evidence of your inability to do anything but confirm your bias.

Flattards are pathetic.

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