The Flat or Globe Earth Choice

in #flatearth6 years ago


I've found that the flat or globe earth debate is quite revealing as to the choice of which kind of world we choose to live in. One day I mentioned to my girlfriend that I didn't think that the world is round, I think it's flat. That doesn't mean anything more then I think that there is no observable proof for the curvature of the earth, and so our observable plane seems to be flat. Beyond that the rest is speculation. She didn't have a response at the time. However a few weeks later she brought up the subject and started debating it with me. She's a pro glober. The only thing I'm certain of is that there is no observable curvature.

After a little while into listening to her arguments, it occurred to me that she must have looked up debunking the flat earth or something and only listened to the anti flat earth people. It was as if we were having two separate debates because everything she said made sense according to what she had found, and everything I said made sense according to what I had found. It was just that the arguments didn't meet up or collide. She said that some studies welcomed flat earthers to debate. As far as I'm concerned it was a joke, they were debunking the dummies of flat earthers. It's like they weren't dealing with the right people. It makes me wonder if it wasn't just like the same scenario of internet trolls. One troll could have multiple personas on a forum and argue with himself polluting the forum with negativity. What if the flat earthers that they were dealing with were actually undercover globers, ohhhh, ahhhh, hmmmm.

Anyhow it became clear to me that whether you believed that the earth was round or flat depended more on what you wanted to believe as opposed to common sense logic. I mean if you want to believe that the earth is round then all the proof you will ever need is readily available with an avalanche of arguments to back that up. If you want to believe that the earth is flat then all the proof you need is readily available with a ton of arguments to back it up.

Does a flat earther choose before he/she starts doing the research ? Does he/she want to find out that the earth is really flat, or are they simply holding judgement and saying let me just see the facts or data points then we'll see. Your intention upon embarking on researching flat earth will determine what you find and where your focus will lie. There is everything available on the internet, every possible point of view.

So then it got me thinking, why would someone want to believe that the earth is round ? What does that do for you ? I mean I know what it does to me. The current science would have you believe that you are small and insignificant, because you were not created by a divine intelligence. You are just the result of random occurrences over super long time spans that resulted in the physical universe where you are just the smallest of smallest tiniest little spec of absolutely nothing at all, and certainly without any significance or importance in the grander scheme of things.

So the sun is millions of miles away, we couldn't ever expect to reach another civilisation in space because of the laws of physics that says you can't really go past the speed of light and so at that speed it would take like an entire lifetime or two just to get there. I mean holy shit man ! Isn't that great, that sure feels nice being so little and insignificant.

It's like Rapunzel's step mother's education in the movie Tangled. Screw you, I'm not falling for that bullshit sandwich anymore ! You go ahead and eat it without me. I'm gonna be over here in my feel good universe where I'm a divine creation, where the universe loves and embraces all aspects of creation, where I have significance and I have a role, a special role in the world and with a divine purpose, we all do. I'm here to uplift this reality, not to fall flat on my face on the pavement and eat the matrix lies for our minds.

The reality you choose to live in is a choice. In terms of how it feels it certain is. Some people feel good believing everything society has feed them up until now. I guess it's like living in a fairy tale.

How do you know that the choices you made aren't because of all the conditioning you have been through that has guided you to where you are today ? How do you know that is not true ? Are you really free to choose ? or have you been conditioned to choose certain things ? I seriously don't believe that 90% of every boy's favourite colour is blue ! I mean, come on ! Anyone who can see, can clearly see that the best colour is red for heavens sake ! It's the most beautiful. I mean would you rather see a beautiful woman wearing a red dress or a blue dress ? hmmmm. Did you decide what your favourite colour was, or did you go along with the accepted norm ?

The choice is are you going to reside in the machinations of the mind or are you going to reside in the heart ? Would you rather be right or would you rather feel good right now ?

I think globers are unconsciously afraid. They do not want to leave the comfort of the herd. They feel safe being a part of the main stream because at least they have some certainty. Certainty ? Why is that important ? Certainty is an after thought of fear. If you had no fear the need for certainty would be inconsequential. If you have no fear then shouldn't you exist in bliss ?

Fear robs us of our awareness of the bliss that is always ever present. Instead we reside in the mind space because we were convinced that it was necessary in order to preserve our existence. We fear death, we fear pain, and that pushes one into the mind in order to think up of solutions or prevention measures to ensure one is not taken advantage of. Personally it's becoming more and more difficult to allow that state of resonance to continue in my field of existence. All I know is that I want to feel good, I want to feel bliss, I want to relax in peace and be in harmony with my surroundings. I want to be and emanate my true essence.

How much longer will the globe earth belief train dominate the majority ? What will shift the masses ? I don't think it's the event that will do that, it must occur prior to that. The event is the reflection of the fact that the world has shifted out of fear resonance. When the majority can no longer resonate in fear any longer because love is far too present, then the holding onto beliefs won't matter as much anymore.

I remember as a young child one day at around the age of two I decided that I was going to be angry with my mother for not doing something for me. She noticed and came over to me who was pouting, and smiled and poured love out at me with her demeanour and voice. It didn't take long for me to drop the anger because I couldn't help myself from feeling the love and it obviously felt better then anger.

Anger is a kind of control mechanism, a way to get your way, a manipulation con if you will. Control = con + troll. It's a con that you play in order to pollute the air waves like an internet troll. The only problem is that you forgot you were doing it and why, and you ended up conning yourself into believing your own lie. Release the con, release the anger. Release the anger you hold towards those that you believe have imposed undesired circumstances unto you. Someone consciously or unconsciously was playing a con on you, a lie basically. A lie that basically said you were less then them, that you were not important and that you were wrong. You fell for the con and you started your own con in order to fight back and gain control of your own energy and your own pure state. But it wasn't true, it never was.

Everyone started playing this con game and everyone seems to have forgotten that it was never true. Everyone got caught in the lie. You are a pure being who cannot be tainted no matter what you do or have done, there is no judgement in the eyes of divine presence. You are love, you are bliss, you are the awareness that perceives all things. You are perfection and there is no need for forgiveness because sin is not real, it was a con.

Love and peace,


You don't get to choose what world you live on.

You live on a with it.

More power to you! Earth is flat. Get over it.

Facts say otherwise, but stay delusional my friend. :-)

Says the one living in fantasyland who doesn't care to look at actual facts 😂 Have fun in the matrix that was created for you, and say hi to Santa, the Easter Bunny & unicorns! 🤣

All facts and data and observations made in the last several hundred years points to the spherical earth. You believe you live in a matrix that you claim a magic sky fairy has created for you. Project things much? hehehe You believe that you live in a special snowglobe...isn't that cute? lolz. There is no such thing as Santa, the Easter bunny, or unicorns.

You can believe in whatever you want to, I'm sure you also believe in the obviously fake moon landing & the ISS "orbiting" earth at 17,150 miles per hour (or 5 miles per second!!!!).

I'm not interested in believing and belief systems. I care about facts & reality.

Sleep tight!

When your conjecture has to rely on a conspiracy to support it instead of facts, you are in big trouble.

There are hundreds of years of data and observations that prove the earth is a sphere. You believe you live in a special snowglobe created by a sky wizard. Interesting delusion you live in...

I hereby invite you for a FE discussion at the Flat Earth Network. We are looking for die-hard ball-addicted globe defenders, that trust every word of man. People with blind faith like you, that trust in alleged "hundreds of years of data", but not their own senses & scientific proof that contradict the heliocentric system in every conceivable way. People that are in a religious cult, in a belief system called globeism, that are not even aware that they are in a cult, genuflecting to the state, to the one world order. People that believe everything media, education, nasa, scientism puts forward without scrutinizing / criticial thinking / skepticism. People that don't realise that up until the space / moon-landing fakery initially done by nasa, literally nobody believed in the laughable notion of a spinning sphere hurtling through space at multiple supersonic-breakneck speeds.

Please go here: There's an envelope icon from where you can contact us. And don't chicken out on me. OK?

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