Behind the Curve ... ( A look at the flat earth community)

in #flatearth5 years ago

Behind the Curve is a documentary that shows a bit of the flat earth community.


Personally, I was expecting/ wanting something that would go deeper on the beliefs of the flat earth idea. It doesn't go too deep on that topic, the movie is more of a portray of the community and its peoples and activities. And some interviews of scientists and psychologists.

But it shows a few things, like how did this concept appear in the public's perception. Now I know a few things, like the wacko dude who started it all. By that standard alone, this "theory" should receive extreme skepticism.

It has a few fun parts... like one of the flat earth women has a podcast and whatnot, apparently she is quite famous within that milieu. And at some point, people started saying things like "Her name is PatriCIA, she works for the CIA"... "She is a reptilian" and so on...

And that Patricia lady says something like: These attack people are really a bit nuts, how conspiratorial they have to be, to believe this? It makes me wonder if I'm like that also"... She pauses for a few seconds and says: "But I know I'm not"

Also, the level of confirmation biases is off the hook.

I've always kind found this topic somewhat fascinating... because one, why is this a thing? What arguments are made to "prove" it? And also why so many people have just gone deep into this.

Most of the people who are deep into this can be profiled in a certain way... they do want to believe in it... fell special... fell a bit superior to those who don't ... They talk about "conspiracies" like it's a tv show to follow...

And this "Flat earth conspiracy" is the one "conspiracy" that does not have extremely evil people attached to it in a direct way. At least in the process of creating the "lie"

"You don't see anyone making a 9/11 Tshirt"

So this idea had big potential to spread across rapidly and it's very easily disproven. So it's very popular and ridiculous. And it's added to the conspiracy theories genre. A lot of people, such as this flat earthers are drawn to conspiracy theories and will just accept them.

The words "conspiracy theory" are already used as a sort of talisman in order to shut down any type of questioning of an official version of any given event. If two people are having an argument and one is providing several facts, the other person only has to say "that's a conspiracy theory" in order to win the argument in his mind.

If I were to adopt a conspiratorial posture, I would say that this flat earth talk, seems like something, someone would create to give more power to the "Conspiracy Theory Talisman" Since it's the most popular and ridiculous.

even in the documentary one of the skeptics at the end mentions that... it's like refusing the evolution theory and so on...

I'll finish by saying that the fact the earth is round, does not mean that 2 planes can pulverize 3 building in a couple of hours.

Thank you for your time.

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I don't mind debating with Flat Earthers. The earth is probably round like a ball, but I wouldn't mind entertaining the possibility of our planet being not as perfectly round as a golf ball. Perhaps, we only live on one side of the planet and that the sun is smaller than they say. Yeah, that's unlikely but I wouldn't mind debating that. I would also entertain the possibility that the earth is at least 2% hollow, if not more than that. Some suggest that our flat earth has an ice wall. How often do planes fly over the north and south pole? How many people have been over the poles? If not enough people have been over the poles, it could be possible that there may be a bit of a coverup. Upvoted. Resteemed.

Thank you so much for the comment and resteem.

I think the official shape of the earth is that it's not a perfect golf ball. That it's slightly oval, very little and also given the dimension we barely noticed it.

I guess many, many people have been to Antartica.

Not sure about percentages, but there is a lot of "open space" underground. All the caves that we know of... it's insane. Catacombs system benight many capitals. Ancient CITIES... and contemporary ones actually. One that it's not very known is in Manchester. There is an enormous underground city there... and the official "Posture" of the mayor is that it doesn't exist. heheh That's a fun one.

Not so sure about the ice wall either... you can go around the poles, boats have done it. That documentary is fun, it shows all the experiments the flat earthers actually made, are a fiasco... and they can't accept it.

I want to see documentaries of people walking or traveling across the poles. More importantly, flat earthers may believe that the south pole circles the earth and that the north pole is at the center of the flat map. So, that is why Alex Jones suggested putting Eddie Bravo on an adventure to the south pole. A video showing the south pole would help some of them see that it's not really that big. If the south pole was hugging our world, it would be a lot bigger, I would imagine. I would love to study the depths of our planets, like you said, underground cities. I could talk for days about that. I probably should start writing articles about that. Upvoted. Resteemed.

Yeah, those would be some cool articles and for sure an interesting topic.

The poles talk is just ... really ... some logic bending posture. Like most things in that "theory". Yeah, it's not that big and you are able to come to it from the side. There are research centres in there, I know people who have been there and never they mentioned that it looks like the wall in Westeros or something.

Think the question would be, why in the world would anyone make this up? Any scam that anyone is trying to pull, I'm sure it could be done with the planet being flat. And the level of complexity and resources and amount of people involved necessary to conceal that information ... is just nuts.

Like I said in the article, if one was to adopt a conspiratorial point of view I would say that the flat earth was indeed created, to discredit anyone who challenges the statio quo and questions things. Given that it has everything to spread like wildfire and has very ltile valid points.

Depths of our planets on the other hand is something quite cool that we as a society do not know much about... pretty cool stuff. And the ocean too.

Looking forward to your artilce son the subject.

People do lie. That's why they want to believe in a Flat Earth, because if they lie about this, then therefore they must be lying about that, and this other thing, and this thing over here, and so on and so forth. It's good to question things because people are lying to us about how old the earth is. There are reasons why they do that. There are so many coverups on so many matters. So, people become too skeptical through being abused.

But if the earth is flat, it should not be possible to go from one side of the south pole to the other, like from South America to Africa or Australia. I need to look for videos of a plane or something flying over the south pole. I would show them that. Yeah, then the Flat Earthers can say that the videos are faked or whatever. But we can still show it to them, at least. They can choose to reject it, but it can still plant a seed of some common sense into their guts.

I'll try to write articles about these things when I can.

People do lie a lot. However, the "they" aspect of the equation is something to look at. who are these "they"?

With the flat earth, "they" had to mean... every single person who has ever studied the cosmos. Every single member of all space exploration/observation program, from all the governments in the world for, I don't even know, how many centuries. Maya astronomy... not sure if they said the earth was round, but they did track all it's movements (and other planets) in detail. Movements that confirm the shape of the earth.

I mean... it's almost impossible that such worldwide, timeless cover-up is going on, especially for something that seems quite irrelevant.

Why would "they" lie about this? I'm pretty sure "they" didn't lie about this so that "they ""could lie" about other things.

Questioning things is a must, essential... but that's the worst part of this idea... it discredits and shuts down anyone who questions anything ... because "they're crazy, just like this falt earthers". People won't be able to expose some other relevant, important and obvious lies, because of this.

In the 15th century, a Portuguese explorer (and his crew) Circumnavigated the globe. Since that it has been common practice. Boats, balloons... you name it.

Personally, I'm really not about to try and convince them about the facts. They will never change. A lot of them have lost contact with their families, friends... all because of the flat earth... they are never letting it go. Experiments they do, show the earth is round and still they don't accept their own research... (A bit like end of the world cult members... after the world dosen't end on theri date... they will come up with something to justify their posture) Once anyone has taken a stand on anything, it's very hard to change their minds... and in this case I see it being extra hard.

So even if I had the time, it wouldn't be for me. But hey, if you can plant any seeds of common sense in any of them, I think it would be a great service for all of this. I'm all about letting people believe what they want... but this belief is very harmful to any future challenge of the status quo.

So if you can, show them something good, please do it!!!

I think a reality Tv show about the flat Earthers on a journey to find the edge of the earth would be something spectacular. heheheh

Letting Go

Good ideas. It's hard to let go of ideas, people, things, generally. It's all about growing up. It's a thing people can learn to do, but it's still hard. Yeah, lots of people have known of our round earth for many centuries. That's very true. So, they may not really know enough history.

Reality Flat Television

Didn't they make some curved or round television screens? Kind of funny. Like, we love round things. So, why wouldn't more things be round and why wouldn't the other planets be round. Oh, wait, they appear to be round. Plus, the wind seems to be influenced by the shape of the earth. Plus, gravity as well. Plus, shadows. Plus, the thing about the sun. Plus the moon, the waves. The list goes on and on. Yeah, a reality television show about finding the edge is a great idea.

Yeah, just hope someone makes it!!! I'll watch it for sure!!

No one has flown over the South pole. No planes ever track that way even, though it would save hours in some cases. Not a flat earther, just an airplane geek.

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Would it safe hours? I can't see from where to where? Since they are kinda isolated. It would be nice to clarify that.

Thanks for the comment.


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